Jan 12, 17 / Aqu 12, 01 07:36 UTC
Emergencies and conscription- your thoughts? ¶
I propose that Asgardia adopts a conscription policy for times of great peril to Asgardia and her people. However, i would note that said conscription is ONLY for assistance in evacuation and/or rescue operation. The spirit of this policy would be that for one month a person or persons may be conscripted into the self defence force (or security, or police etc) Conscripts would be trained on how to assist and would forever bear the right to reject future conscription after their one month tenure. If you feel you can add, alter, or even have thoughts against this proposal, please join in this proposal thread! For those who have actual law knowledge, i whole heartedly invite you to tear holes in my proposal so it may be a proposal worth its salt!
1- In times of great civil (1a), environmental (1b), or national emergency (1c), Asgardia and her appointed authority figures may enforce temporary conscription of her appropriately skilled and able citizens for the sole purpose of assisting with evacuation and rescue efforts. No conscription may last longer then 1 (one) months time without the free and willing co-operation (1d) of the citizen in question. Conscripted citizens have the right to refuse deployment to areas of danger at their own disgression. Conscripted citizens have the right to refuse voluntary service at the end of their conscription period. Citizens have the right to refuse conscription if physically or mentally (through trauma or illness) unable to perform rescue or evacuation acts.
1a- civil emergency is defined as periods of extreme social unrest such as but not limited to, riots, insurection, terrorism, and other such events causing with or without delberate attempt panic and/or violence.
1b- Environmental emergency is described as any force of nature or unavoidable mechanical failure that results in panic or harm. Such natural emergencies can be, but are not limited to- meteor storms, solar flares, dangerous debris, etc. Unavoidable mechanical failure is defined as- but not limited to- damaged components catastrophically failing to no individuals fault. Catastrophic failure due to outside influences and criminal sabotage resulting in emergency, etc
1c- National emergency is defined but not limited to coups, invasion, wars, or other such threats to Asgardia and her people at a national scale.
1d- willing and free co-operation is not subject to interpretation. Threats of physical harm to the subject or to those they care for, blackmail, unjust coercion, physical or mental abuse are unjust and punishable.
(There we go, thoughts? Improvements?)
Reason: [Justice section Admin] that topic was moved to the Military/Security forum, which is a more suitable section for that question. Thank you for your understanding.