Jun 10, 17 / Can 21, 01 05:58 UTC
Let's talk missiles. ¶
There are 196 countries in the world, what's to say that every country will approve of this mission? What about any hostilities towards a space station? Why should we rely on Earth-based nations to protect us?
I'm not saying Asguardia becomes a militarized wonderland, but what precautions will we have for the worst possible scenario? Now, I know this will draw negative feedback, but some sort of kinetic bomb may be a deterrent for nations when paired with a missile defense system.
We have to think about our wellbeing, and the values we stand for. If a nation is attacking us, somehow, and we're left to fend for ourselves what shall we do? I know it's unlikely, but in the case that it does happen, what's the counterargument? Take it like a good little space station?
I strongly believe that nations allied to Asguardia would understand.
If we are scholars and scientists trying to preserve humanity, why would we need to use any sort of aggression? Save being provoked by a nation and abandoned by our allies? Or, who's to say that our allies would be able to deter an attack?
We wouldn't even have to ever drop a bomb, unless we've taken a hit.
These are things to think about.