Jan 16, 17 / Aqu 16, 01 04:26 UTC
Re: National security (Weapon) ¶
Hi All,
We remind our valued friends to ensure that they are familiar with the posting rules located here: https://asgardia.space/en/forum/forum/forum-announcements-10/topic/asgardiaspace-posting-rules-82/
The forums are a place for Asgardian's to share their ideas free from ridicule or aggressive behaviour. We understand that some may not agree with proposed ideas. This to be expected.
The moderation team have been observing some replies and posts which may be seen as going against point 3 of the Forum Posting Rules:
"Personal Attacks. No personal attacks against other users of the forum shall be allowed. This includes (and is not limited to) insults, inappropriate remarks and excessive aggressive behavior towards your fellow Asgardian. Please ensure to apply common sense and respect the views of your fellow Asgardians. In case of a disagreement, please keep the debate amicable. Escalation of a discussion may result in your post being edited to remove offensive content, or even in the thread being locked.
We will be monitoring members in this thread closely and may moderate any future posts, up to and including deleting replies in breach of the posting rules.
We appreciate your understanding and encourage you all to engage in a respectful conversation.
Reason: spelling correction