Mar 29, 17 / Tau 04, 01 18:43 UTC
Why the concept of not militarizing space is impossible to achieve ¶
Hello all,
Some folks seem to think that Asgardia or even the nations of Earth ever having military forces in space is stupid and can be prohibited. Well, the truth is it is actually inevitable, setting aside the so called rumors by those considered conspiracy theorists. Humanity will eventually develop space flight and as we all know the vessels designed will indeed have weaponry. Furthermore, no one on these forums or in existence can say with certainty the advanced life does not exist in other parts of our galaxy or the universe. Given what we have discovered regarding life here on Earth. I believe that it is absolute nonsense, to believe that we are the only living beings in the vastness of space. In every environment you look you will find some type of life from the simple to the complex. Environments like the crushing ocean depths, mountain heights, inside of nuclear reactors, the bubbling acidic thermal springs in Yellowstone, jungles, deserts, and the inside of rocks! You will also find lifeforms that can directly obtain nutrients from substances like maganese for example and lifeforms that can substitute solar energy for things like chemosynthesis. To power their day to day biological processes. There are even microscopic lifeforms on Earth that can survive the vacuum of space organisims like the sea bear.
Which means, there is more than a pretty good chance that life exists elsewhere in space. In fact, all of what I have mentioned about life on Earth strongly implies that, life is commonplace and can be found where ever it's existence can be supported. Why that matters is simple, those beings are likely to be different than us, not in every case but, nor will they be the same as us and have the same intentions as us. Therefore, having a way to defend the planet and any space colonies/nations we start only makes sense.
Then there are the non organic threats like asteroids and comets. Some way of defending against them will be needed. Earth is guaranteed to be hit by an asteroid of any size. The only saving grace is the time increase between impacts the larger the asteroid becomes. So, space for the purposes of defending the planet alone must be weaponised and will be. Sure, said weapons can be used for inappropriate purposes but, as humanity grows older the chances of it growing wiser increases and as that happens. The chances that someone, nation, or group would seek to use weapons meant for the defense of our planet inappropriately decreases
Reason: Forgot a word