Apr 12, 18 / Tau 18, 02 20:18 UTC
Ambient Music, Art and Intentional Creativity ¶
My POV with regard to future life in Asgardia is that there will be more happiness and enjoyment of the new space nation if beauty of form is as important as function, in design and way of life. Likewise, music and the arts in general, are vehicles of creative intelligence, self-development and personal transformation by their very nature, and are therefore important in the growth of a healthy population going forward as we grow.
Are there other Asgardians feeling the same way? I personally am an artist and ambient electronic musician and an involved member of the Intentional Creativity Movement on Earth, which encourages personal growth and transformation through an artistic process with intention that improves peoples lives on a subtle quantum level in their consciousness.
How are you visioning the arts and cultural life of Asgardia? Please share!