Jan 29, 17 / Pis 01, 01 02:32 UTC
Significant moments in modern Music History ¶
I will list a couple of favourties from decades ago which younger members may have not had the opportunity to be exposed to and enjoy
CREAM.. The band is widely regarded as the world's first successful supergroup https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cream_(band)
War of the Worlds live https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=war+of+the+worlds+soundtrack&&view=detail&mid=F24E2D130D1A62A291F1F24E2D130D1A62A291F1&FORM=VRDGAR
Tubular Bells https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=tubular%20bells%20song&qs=AS&form=QBVR&pq=tubular%20bells&sc=8-13&sp=5&sk=AS4
Please add any outstanding moments Tnx