Feb 19, 17 / Pis 22, 01 12:23 UTC
Let's think about.... ALIENS!!!!! ¶
But let's think scientifically, not by imagination, or even fantasy, or even astral projection...
let's use SCIENCE from EARTH to understand what is an ALIEN!
Alien is different of us? Maybe only in biological aspects? And in mind aspects,could the alien have rational thinks like us?
Should they have tribes? And Panteíst Gods? And philoshophical Teachings?
Well... questions to the sand of times
Do you think if aliens come to earth, they should adapt instantly to our atmsphere, to our climate, to our vegetation and water, to our biomas? Or they should die instantly by poisoned from Earth atmosphere, unbreathable to them? And making a relation with Darwin, what Darwin said about Evolution of Species, that some species takes some around 100 years to a mutation in their organism, so... the Aliens should live in this planet with Space Suits, otherwise, if they took their Space Suits, Earth will kill them instantly, otherwise, if they survive, will take some years to adapt their biology to the context of our Planet.
What do you think should happen if an Alien enters on Earth?
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- Jason Rainbow 19 February 2017 @ 04:46 pm