Jul 4, 17 / Leo 17, 01 16:11 UTC

Re: Possible Asgardia's Earth locations  

There's a piece of land between Sudan and Egypt that the two countries havnt decided what to do with. Could possibly purchase that from them... maybe they would even be open to our cause. =P

Aug 20, 17 / Lib 08, 01 15:16 UTC

There is a group that has a territory that is in south america might be something that may interest you

Nov 17, 17 / Sag 13, 01 17:52 UTC

Ideally I would imagine, the best location would be near ocean and near equator to launch and land spacecrafts.. 

Dec 28, 17 / Cap 26, 01 21:52 UTC

[link removed]  we could just buy up a private island.... 

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  Last edited by:  Cpt Lorca (Asgardian)  on Jan 2, 18 / Aqu 02, 02 22:42 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: removed ad link. edited by Denise Blair 02/01/2018

Dec 28, 17 / Cap 26, 01 21:58 UTC

I think inside the counrty of Belize right out side their capital city of Belmopan. The country is right below mexico. Has a coast to the caribbean sea. So good for launches to space, good for building a sea city. good for a main land base. Theres really alot going for it.