In order to assist with future posts please consider the following:
- Polls are not required on all posts. This can take away from the meaning you wish to communicate and discourage your fellow Asgardians to participate in the topic.
- What aspect of Yoga (for this post) relates to Education?
- Are you referring to youth education or adult education?
- What stream or field of education does the post relate to?
- Carefully consider how you title your posts. The current title appears to be making a statement. An example of how you could title this could be "Incorporating the education of Yoga to our youth over Physical exercise improves improve overall health"
- Then in your post, clearly state your reason and argument and how it relates to Asgardia.
Why do you see yoga is best taught in school over physical exercise
What evidence do you have
Seek input from your fellow Asgardian.
If you apply this across all your posts, you may see a higher engagement in your topic. Although you may feel you want to flag the topic for education, the topic may be best suited in another forum.
You mention that the Posting Rules state there are no restrictions on these topics. This we agree on, however the moderation team has been attempting to draw your attention to point number 6 on the Posting rules and why moderation action has been taken on some of your posts.
Irrelevant Content. Stick to the mission statement of each board. Irrelevant content will be moved by the administrators to the appropriate sub-forum, if possible.
Due to the way you have chosen to submit your posts, they have been breaching this rule. Again as advised in some of your other posts, If you are unsure, please post in the General Discussion forum and a moderator can move it to the most appropriate forum.
We appreciate your understanding and your willingness to work with us to ensure our forums are kept as clean as possible for our fellow Asgardians.