Feb 10, 18 / Pis 13, 02 10:05 UTC
Non-Duality System of Thought ¶
Non-Duality is the synthesizing of opposites into one coherent understanding that allows the individual to transcend the notion of self by revealing the illusionary nature of reality. It is of great importance to bear witness to our history. Throughout known history we can identify the seeds of conflict originating in a dualistic paradigm. We've become accustomed to view reality as black or white, good or bad, right or wrong and true or false. Yet this system hasn't lived up to our desired ambitions, but instead has been the source of great pain and suffering.
Where there is duality, there is friction. We can see this in all levels of life on this beautiful planet. War is a physical manifestation of this friction. War is a result of conflicting ideas operating under the modality of scarcity. Ideas come into confrontation because of our mentality of lack. We believe only one idea can be 'true' and that there isn't space for any others. Yet there is space for others if we come to believe there is. When we incorporate a mentality of abundance we see that all ideas have space in this reality. They don't compete with one another, but instead work towards a unifying common goal. What is black is white and what is white is black.
Think of the Yin/Yang symbol ☯; it embodies the idea of nonduality in a beautifully simple but complex symbol.
That is what we Asgardians should strive for; because that is the inevitable destiny for humanity. To become one with all that is we must seek the oneness in the way we perceive our reality. That is what I strive to create during this momentous time we all live in. Empowerment begins when we embrace the friction instead of resisting it. Friction is a opportunity for growth. There is a tremendous amount of friction upon this planet awaiting for us Asgardians to utilize as a life altering catalyst that will catapult us all into a Golden Age.
My question to you is do you believe non-duality has a place in Asgardia? If so please share your thoughts and opinions on this subject. Many blessings to you all and have yourself a wonderful day.