Dec 20, 16 / Cap 19, 00 21:32 UTC

share your passion of photography  

Share your passion, the feeling, the flames that burns in you when you see a scene that you love to capture and immortallize. For me the ever burning sensation that lives deep in me for photography can never be easily explain with words but with moment captured. Picture can say something in billion ways and what it holds never fading away, but keeping it content alive forever.

Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 03:15 UTC

Hello. We have a forum specifically for photography. I will be moving your thread to that forum for you.

PS. I'm an amatear photographer myself. I love photography! I do mainly landscapes. What is your favorite thing to photograph?

Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 16:22 UTC

My favorite thing to photograph is people going about their everyday life. So i do take a lot of pics when am in the street. Mother nature also creates great scenes for as. What is your last pic your took

Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 18:19 UTC

I have a few common themes.

The views in Cornwall, Natural but surreal, Night photography, and people taking pictures (hehe, meta-photography).

Panoramio has now closed but is still live and has some of my photos (plus some processed ducks)

Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 18:22 UTC

Mountain scenery or anything that is or expresses "alone in the big blue" then its my thing :D

Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 18:53 UTC

Hello, dear friends ... always thinking "a picture is worth a thousand words." The two things together, image + description, the value is higher. This new experience with you is rewarding. Greetings to all!

  Last edited by:  Menchu Ramos (Asgardian)  on Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 09:38 UTC, Total number of edits: 9 times
Reason: Added English translation

Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 22:52 UTC

The last picture I took was of the Supermoon. My personal favorite thing to photograph is honestly the mix of humanity and nature. I live in the country and I take a lot of pictures of houses surrounded by forests and roads through wooded areas. I also love taking pictures of ruins in nature as well if I can find them.

Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 08:19 UTC

I love photography, mostly wildlife. I am not a professional by any means. It's just a hobby of mine that I like to do when I go on vacation somewhere.

Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 11:43 UTC

Well Mostly i do underwater photography ( am not professional though) but still do normal photography , ofcourse you cannot capture the scene or the feeling , but still i would think of it as a way to show the world the different beautiful aspects in everything around us . in such a busy world lots of people really fail to stop and look around. amazing things are everywhere to be seen from different angles at different times giving you multiple feelings. whether you are going to work , taking a walk , hiking , diving or whatever , believe me there is always something to see and to capture your site - well at least for me - reflection of sunlight on bulidings , rays of sun light escaping the clouds , busy street with cars and people , a weird combination of city and nature , a cloud of fog covering half the way , a bird standing with a funny a look , a cat sleeping in a very lazy way ... etc . its always out there you just need to look and open your eyes into different angles .

At least that is what i try to capture when i take photos ( even with my S7 mobile) to encourage people on seeing the world in different angles and to proof that beauty truly exists around us and can be found anywhere at anytime if we look for it :)