Jan 17, 17 / Aqu 17, 01 10:50 UTC

Supermoon 2016  

Thought I would share my Supermoon Pics that was clicked last year :)

Link - > https://goo.gl/photos/ocwgyunf4cXsN3AF9

[MOD EDIT] *Added < > around URL (web address) to enable it to be clickable. Alan Player 17/01/2017 @ 22:16 AEDT

  Last edited by:  Alan Player (Asgardian)  on Jan 17, 17 / Aqu 17, 01 11:16 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times

Jan 17, 17 / Aqu 17, 01 11:21 UTC

Hi Asbo13!

These are awesome! I have to get some of my pictures of the moon taken with my iPhone through my telescope and share them!

Jan 17, 17 / Aqu 17, 01 12:50 UTC

The initial photos were crappy, when I had just started clicking but took me sometime to learn Image stacking, especially with Moon shots. You won't believe the total cost of the gear that was used in shooting these pics :P

Jan 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 01:04 UTC

Here are some pictures of the moon last year as well as a blood moon


These were taken by just holding my iPhone camera to the telescope eye piece.

  Last edited by:  Alan Player (Asgardian)  on Jan 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 01:04 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jan 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 05:53 UTC

Awesome click! Really like the idea :)

Jan 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 07:15 UTC

@Jason - I am using used DSLR. To be specific a crop body aka Nikon 1 S1 with very less shutter count (was around 700). It's got crop factor of 2.7x which turns my 28-210mm lens to 75.6mm to 567mm. Perfect for that extra reach.

I picked up the used DSLR to learn photography and got lucky with a messed up auction and got the camera for some 30 USD (Was a good score). Lenses are 28-210 and 70-200 as of now. Next goal, something around 300mm (close to 900mm with crop factor). Also, these lenses that I am using a Manual FD lenses. So far good pics for the amount of money I shelled out. Aim was to get the cheapest gear to get the best astro shots. The only problem with the super high crop factor is that I need 9mm lenses for it to actually go wide-angle.

Jan 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 07:17 UTC

Also the technique used was Image stacking using Registax. I took around 40 images of the same shot, going up and down exposure via Aperture on the lens and then combined all 40 images to 1 and turned them into super detailed.