Jan 13, 17 / Aqu 13, 01 21:26 UTC

Asgardia 1st satellite  

According to our founding father, it is scheduled for this year the launch of our first satellite. Does anyone know how this is going to be used? How it will help our plans to live in Space or find funding for scientific research? Hope someone has an answer... Regards.

Jan 14, 17 / Aqu 14, 01 00:43 UTC

This is a very good topic to hold and hope others do provide some feedback because this is very important. Living in space is obviously a goal, with no deadlines and no clear plan which has not been made present at least to. My knowledge. I think as citizens of asgardia , we should trust and respect Igor, the founding father and other officials in planning the appropriate steps to take us to space. And beyond our solar system in the future. Asgardia should and must be at the forefront of space innovations and projects. We should not rely on Nasa or ESA but we should certainly take their advice on how we can proceed. But we should definitely find ways of bringing asgardians together first. Because right now were everywhere and that may be hard in terms of communicating and providing solutions to these issues like you have mentioned. I think the funding for research will not come easily but I say investors lets say on a stock market would help drive growth to our innovation and asgardians economy. Also public donations would be welcomed too. I'm sure people like me , many others like me would donate and do whatever we can to achieve where we want to be in our universe.

Lets draw plans and prepare for our future. Its never ever too early to do this. Kind regards. Chris Boardman

Jan 14, 17 / Aqu 14, 01 00:46 UTC

Also forgot to mention. I think the first satellite is symbolic, correct me if I am wrong. When I find out more , I will certainly let people know.

Jan 14, 17 / Aqu 14, 01 13:53 UTC

I just wanted to let you know, your questions have been noted. I have requested the information from the Lead Administrator. This information will be provided as soon as we receive it. Thanks for understanding.

Update: There is currently no releasable information about the satellite, as soon as there is some to share, it will be announced.

  Last edited by:  Jewell Ledoux (Global Admin, Asgardian)  on Jan 14, 17 / Aqu 14, 01 15:31 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jan 14, 17 / Aqu 14, 01 14:36 UTC

The world first space nation satellite, Be auspicious to all of us asgardia. With love...fatemeh.

Jan 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 14:40 UTC

Is there any date regarding the details being released towards the public regarding the satellite?

Jan 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 23:42 UTC

Hi RaWolf,

At this stage we do not have a date when any information will be released.

As soon as publicly released information is available it will be announced on the Asgardia.Space website, Facebook Page and in the Announcement / News section of the Forum.

Jan 27, 17 / Aqu 27, 01 11:03 UTC

To take the artists conception purely, then it's likely to be a 2U or 3U cubesat, purpose unknown.

I was under the impression this was more of a symbolic gesture than a practical endeavour.

Apr 5, 17 / Tau 11, 01 10:33 UTC


I am awaiting an announcement on this topic with excitement, just like everyone else. But here we can speculate as to what it will be. 

I would like to see a launch of a Station Core. Now there are a lot of technical aspects to consider if it will be a Station Core appose to a Communication Satellite. I would imagine that a Station Core, designed with a habitat aspect to it, would provide Asgardia with territory. I'm not sure that is a goal or even required for recognition by the UN. 

Now obviously designing with a habitat aspect to something you are hurling off the planet's surface is quite involved. I don't think a fully capable habitat is required. A modular core with remote/auto pilot capabilities, propulsion, power, heat sink, internal cavity, communication capabilities, docking coupling, ect. would probably be a feat unto itself but I think still a good start. Like I said, it is quite involved but that would provide Asgardia with an expandable territory in which to claim some sort of sovereignty. If that is even necessary. 

On the other hand, a simple communication satellite would probably be symbolic but, as stated above, would be simpler to launch like a cubsat. I'm still fuzzy on what purpose that would serve. And as it requires quite a lot of resources (time, money, and personnel), I don't think it would be wise to be wasteful. 

There are probably smarter people than me working on this. Definitely with more resources then me. If someone has personal money they want to pitch into it that's great. It's their resources not mine so who am I to tell them what to do.  

Just some thoughts I have been rolling around my head.

  • Adam Spears
  • Citizen
  • Asgardia


Feb 3, 18 / Pis 06, 02 08:52 UTC

The purpose is to test data storage in LEO on solid state drives that's it nothing special