Apr 30, 17 / Gem 08, 01 17:13 UTC
Policy for Asgardian Community Development ¶
Share your formulated policy in developing the community in Asgardia.
Apr 30, 17 / Gem 08, 01 17:13 UTC
Share your formulated policy in developing the community in Asgardia.
May 2, 17 / Gem 10, 01 16:07 UTC
In relation to community development I personally think Asgardian leaders, technical experts, and civil servants may need to avoid relying on provision based policies and instead follow a facilitating self-help approach. As well it may be important to develop programmes and actions which empower vulnerable and excluded groups endeavouring toward universal equity and promoting the formation non-governmental organizations in carrying out this work in order that it may remain independent from government.