Jun 29, 17 / Leo 12, 01 18:19 UTC

denouncement please don't delete me!!!  

I sent an email denouncing my application for citizenship but that was just to please my wife cuz she thinks this is stupid and will never happen. So please I'm asking the administration or whoever is in charge to not delete my citizenship. I want to stay an asgardian. Because eventually the world will go to shit and we need somewhere else to live or go in case something happens. My email address I used is Joshua.Lewis3084@yahoo.com so please do not delete my application.

Jun 29, 17 / Leo 12, 01 18:32 UTC

Hi Joshua, If you sent an email, I would reply back to the same address advising of your correction. They will let you know the status and if you need to follow-up with any information or steps to follow.


Jun 29, 17 / Leo 12, 01 18:36 UTC

Dude, my wife this whole thing is idiotic as well, but she isn't about to tell me to go deleting my account. She knows better (I'd refuse, we'd argue, and ultimately she'd realize telling me what to do is like yelling at a cliff).

You do realize that doing something behind your wife's back never, ever, EVER has ended well in any marriage in history on the face of the Earth, right?


Jun 30, 17 / Leo 13, 01 00:31 UTC

per cortesia potresti dirmi come ci si può cancellare? e se si incorre in Una sanzione? Grazie.


Please, can you tell me how can someone cancel itself? Are there any sanctions for this? Thank you

Translation done by Stephen De Rosa at 12.20 UTC , 30 June 2017

  Last edited by:  Stephen De Rosa (Global Mod, Asgardian)  on Jun 30, 17 / Leo 13, 01 12:22 UTC, Total number of edits: 3 times

Jun 30, 17 / Leo 13, 01 10:39 UTC

I know it's bad to do it behind my wife's back but we would fight either way even if I told her I was doing it anyway.