Jun 22, 17 / Leo 05, 01 20:38 UTC
Article 13, Section 2 & 4 ¶
As it states in the Constitution of Asgardia in Article 13. Financial Resources #2 Asgardia's currency shall be a monetary unit named SOLAR. Under #4 SOLAR shall be issued by the National Bank of Asgardia in the amount tied to the parameters of the Moon, the Sun, the other celestial bodies set by a special law of Asgardia. The National Bank of Asgardia shall be a lender of last resort.
What does "in the amount tied to the parameters of the Moon, the Sun, the other celestial bodies set by a special law of Asgardia" actually mean?
How is the space station actually going to be funded? Are the citizens of Asgardia going to be taxed on the "SOLAR" currency in order to conduct R&D, Construction and upkeep/maintenance of the space station?
Are we tying "SOLAR" to the gold standard, crypto currency, number of Dogs and Cats people have?
If we created the "SOLAR" currency as a Crypto Currency and issued say $1,000,000,000 coins, possible giving each citizen $250 SOLAR coins to start out with, and after that we can purchase them on the open market or mine them as people do with Bitcoin, maybe we could gain the confidence of the People of Earth and be able to get started on creating the Space Station where Asgardian's will be living on.
By the way, how is the Satellite, Asgardia-1 funded and who built it?
The Constitution, doesn't actually state how Asgardia is going to be funded? I'm assuming through High Taxes, donations and fund raisers also sponsorships.