I do not see cryptocurrencies any different in essence than any regular currency. They are all digital, and they all have their means for controlling creation of new money, not to mention other rules for using them.
The underlying problem of all currencies (including so-called cryptocurrencies) is the fact that they can be exchanged with other currencies. That is a gigantic mistake. Check what happened to Bitcoin. The idea of limiting its production to that of an algorithm is not good. But the idea of having the Bitcoin able to be sold or bought, using other currencies, is even worst.
A society needs currency to trade products and services, and its use should be limited to that function. When currency itself is allowed to be traded is when problems start to appear. The correct way of preventing all the problems we have in our different Earthling societies, is to remove the possibility of currency to be (a) sold and bought using a different currency, and (b) stored or saved.
How would that work? Say you want to obtain (we say "buy") a kilogram of oranges. You request money from the bank, exchange that money with the oranges, and then the store owner returns the money to the bank. Bank reduces your credit and increases the store owner by the same amount of money. End of transaction.
Because money cannot be sold or bought, then there is no room for a private for-profit business, such as private banks. Because money cannot be sold or bought, there is no room for charging interests. Because money is the property of entire society, it can only be created by a public national bank. Because money is property of entire society (which produces it for its own use, and only for that reason), then no single individual can store it. Why? There is always a limited amount of money circulating. The amount of money circulating must be the decision of the entire society. How much money society needs to trade products and services, is the correct question to calculate the amount of money to be produced by the public national bank.
Please think about this. Let's not handle money in Asgardia the same way all Earthling countries do. We would end up with a similar country if we do that.