Mar 24, 17 / Ari 27, 01 19:08 UTC
Signing ¶
How should Asgardians legalize agreements or contracts. Should Asgardia use written signature; digital signature; seals? If we are to be an inclusive society and nation, we should allow for citizens of different cultures legally recognize documents (such as contracts; marriages etc.) in an appropriate manner. In Mainland China (Peoples' Republic of China); Japan; Chinese Taipei (Taiwan, Republic of China) and South Korea (Republic of Korea), it is common to use a seal instead of a signature. While in the west, it is common to use a signature. In seal using nations, governments have "seal registers" where citizens have to register their seals in order for them to become legally binding. If Asgardia should wish to allow seals to be recognized, it should introduce a seal register to sit alongside handwritten and electronic signature.