Jan 15, 17 / Aqu 15, 01 07:58 UTC
Psychology in space ¶
imagine yourself in a spaceship or spacestation, running thru the universe until it reachs another star but in the crew, you are the psychologist, that goes for a mission that we have sure by telescopes that have life...
shit happens houston is not there to you say "we have problem"
so, how do you react to a complete shutdown of the station, or spaceship, and none know why.
And the station is there going, over 100.000 km/h to nowhere now, without route without technology wihtout instuments like radar adn ever without a communication...
and what you as a psychologist should do? even if you have other skills in tech, engineering...
So, its a possible situation in anytime of earth lifespam... how psycho can prepare humans for situations like that?