Nov 26, 18 / Sag 22, 02 20:57 UTC
How to get us into Space. ¶
So, one the Goals of Asgardia is it to bring us into Space.
And, i thought to myself, how to get a sh*tload of materials
into Space without ruining us.
So i looked at the current and upcoming Delivery System. But
none of the Rockets i´ve found has enough oomph to get enough
up there. The most promising one is the BFR with 250 tons. The
problem is, the BFR exists only as a concept. But there is a
different rocket, wich could get 500 - 550 tons up there.
It is the Sea Dragon. Yes, i know, it is not a new nor a modern
concept. But its get the job done.
The projected launch costs are around 300 million. It sounds much,
but compared to the launch of a Space Shuttle with around 1.5 Billion,
it is cheap. On a sidenote; the costs per Kilogram with the Sea Dragon
is around 60 $.
Another Advantage is, i can be build in a shipyard with "conventional"
Materials. Once build, Trawlers can pull the rocket out to the ocean,
where a modified Tanker, can fuel the ship with liquid Oxygen and liquid
Hydrogen. The Payload can be mounted onto the rocket in the shipyard.
I´ve added a Link for a YT Video as well as a Wikipedia Article.
The video demonstrates the Sea Dragon very nicely.
Once the parts has been detached from the Rocket (all are equipped with
floatation devices), Trawlers can pull them back to the shipyard, where they
are repaired, mounted together and made ready for the next launch.
This concept is tried and proven....
So, what do you think ???