Jan 13, 17 / Aqu 13, 01 15:33 UTC

Requesting A Chapter For Cambodia  

It would be nice if Cambodia and other countries in SEA regions get all their countries' chapter here soon. Can someone let me know if ASEAN is treated as a separated entity or not?

Your response would be very much appreciated :D

Jan 14, 17 / Aqu 14, 01 05:22 UTC

Hi mdave.lee, every SEA country will be available as a chapter as soon as there is/are someone step-in to commit as an advocate of the said country, considering that the person who commit will pass as a chapter lead/advocate according to Asgardia's requirements.

Pls. make no mistake: ASEAN is a regional group of countries in South East Asia, have nothing to do, so far, with our chapters in Asgardia.

A regional grouping of every Asgardia Chapters from SEA might be assemble in the future, if possible.

I hope I have answered your question. Thank you.

Jordan River

  Last edited by:  Jordan Ballega (NCM, Asgardian, Candidate, Member of the Parliament)  on Jan 14, 17 / Aqu 14, 01 05:26 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times