Jan 20, 17 / Aqu 20, 01 05:05 UTC

Video conference?  

After receiving the certificate of asgardian, I been start to wondering. We can always discuss topics on the web, but we do not have any idea of whats really happening in real life, we do have address from our founding father but still we have no idea how the progress is.

Due to the above reason, I think we could have something like a monthly conference. Which allow asgardian to ask question directly to the founding father and volunteers which helping to build asgardia, the conference could use some existing platform such as youtube live or skype business (although I have no idea the maximum capacity of skype business). So that the team could address question that in people minds directly and clearly.


Jan 20, 17 / Aqu 20, 01 11:09 UTC

When I recieved mine I wondered if this is supposed to be a government or a day care.

IMHO, video conference is just a massive waste of bandwidth, but ofc this is just my opinion. Some sort of regular Q&A session might be usefull for some folks - and not just the founding father, or w/e, there could be regualr Q&A sessions for a lot of things, productively.

But lets just say video conferencing was determined to be the most effective method(150k people talking at once should be interesting) and lets further assume I'd be interested in that method - Why should I require to infect my machine in order to take part? Skype is not a sane choice, in any senario. YT has some issues, notably the pricacy of it's users but at least it doesn't attempt to forward the entire desktop and filing system. Another is the lack of control over the content. Realistically, there's no reason the existing forum structure cannot encompass such a purpose. The more of our information we can keep "in house" the better.

A pre-existing system would be the "easiest" to get off the floor - but care really needs to be taken in the selection of these services in order to prevent bigger issues occuring from it's use at a later date. If the "IT team" had a clue what they were doing there could of been some sort of secure comms protocol implimented by now. I personally would of selected XMPP for such a task - least of all because it can do everything you'd just suggested, is open source, secure, and trivially integrated into existing services.