Jul 6, 18 / Leo 19, 02 15:07 UTC
Team Updates ¶
Stay tuned here for team updates from the VOA staff.
Jul 6, 18 / Leo 19, 02 15:07 UTC
Stay tuned here for team updates from the VOA staff.
Jul 6, 18 / Leo 19, 02 15:07 UTC
Team Update 7/6/18
Hello Asgardia,
Here's your weekly update from our team efforts.
We've shifted our focus from being just a media outlet to a cultural promotion initiative. We want to begin developing the culture of our country by producing music, art, and other cultural items to our project. In doing so, we've developed a couple of neat ideas - one of which we've lovingly nicknamed ARTgardia. Once the new website is live, we will be taking art submissions from all walks of Asgardian society to inspire our nation's creativity.
We're going to redesign our 24 hour radio, but that's going to be a bit yet. In the meantime, we'll leave it to EJAY IVAN LAC to entertain you while we get set up.
Our current .com address is being redirected to our new site, which we hope will be up soon. In the spirit of things, we've taken on a newer, cleaner look, and a much more spacey orientation. We hope you'll like it!
We can't do this volunteer anymore. Our last plan fell out because of the time we were putting into it, and paying out of pocket for resources. We are currently developing a business plan, based solely off of donation, which we will submit to Asgardia and request an early operation permit to begin our operations. This donation method will also be available through our Patreon campaign, which we are putting together. If we cannot achieve this, we will develop an independent project until VOA will be cleared for operation.
What this means for you, our patrons, is no more amateur work. With financial resources at our disposal, we can hire professional services to ensure you're receiving the highest quality experience that technology has to offer.
We need to develop our own cultural references, and that's what we aim to do. Once we are in full operation, we will be inviting guests and writers to contribute to our cultural assets, with articles about Asgardians sharing their dreams, their experiences, and helping to guide and shape the future of our cultural nation.
With your help we can regain the confidence and trust that our project may have lost with the last failures; we will be inviting more experienced management onboard, paying them for their work and ensuring that this project is properly managed to it's fullest potential. We are serious about our efforts.
-New Website (coming soon!)
-New Radio (Coming Soon!)
-ARTgardia (Coming Soon!)
-News, Sports, and Cultural Articles (Coming Soon!)
Thank you for patronage, stay tuned for more.