Jul 9, 17 / Leo 22, 01 07:41 UTC

Certificado de nacionalidad, como lo obtengo?  

Alguien puede decirme en dónde puedo descargar el certificado..

English Translation: Can someone tell me where I can download the certificate ..
Syafriza Bakri, July 9th 2017, 8:34 AM UTC

*Note* This translation was made by Google Translate. Please make sure when using the forums to copy/paste the English translation below your comment in your native language. This ensures that all persons interested in reading your post are able to understand it. Thank you for understanding.

  Last edited by:  Syafriza Pratama (Asgardian)  on Jul 9, 17 / Leo 22, 01 08:34 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Translation

Jul 9, 17 / Leo 22, 01 08:38 UTC

Hi, I’m sorry to hear that you have not received your certificate yet.  If you follow these instructions a printable PDF certificate should be made available to you within a short amount of time:

  • Go to https://asgardia.space/en
  • Login to your account
  • Go to your profile (select the arrow next to the profile photo)
  • Click the tab marked “View Certificate” at the top of the profile
  • Confirm your details are correct (we are unable to change the Certificate once it is created).
  • Tick the box to confirm all details and submit the preview 
This will return you to your “profile”, again go to “Certificate” to produce a downloadable version of the Certificate in PDF format.

Hola, siento oír que aún no ha recibido su certificado. Si sigue estas instrucciones, debe ponerse a su disposición un certificado PDF imprimible en un breve período de tiempo:
Ir a https://asgardia.space/en
Ingrese a su cuenta
Ir a tu perfil (selecciona la flecha junto a la foto del perfil)
Haga clic en la pestaña "Ver certificado" en la parte superior del perfil
Confirme que sus datos son correctos (no podemos cambiar el Certificado una vez que se crea).
Marque la casilla para confirmar todos los detalles y enviar la vista previa
Esto le devolverá a su "perfil", vuelva a ir a "Certificado" para producir una versión descargable del Certificado en formato PDF.

(Translation by Google Translate)