Jan 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 19:36 UTC

Hi & Thanks  

Hello from England. Thanks for creating this forum. This first post is a test.

I have just entered a song for the anthem. It is in English but I would like for there also to be a verse in Chinese. If someone who speaks Chinese would like to write a verse in the future, that would be great. The recording I made is of my voice singing, but the song would sound better with a professional singer. I'm not sure whether I should post the recording now or after the competition.

Jan 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 21:17 UTC

Great. I was late entering my song so I can't change my submission now. I can still ask if anyone would be interested in writing a new verse the future. :)

  Last edited by:  Nicholas Wilkinson (Asgardian)  on Jan 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 21:18 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times

Jan 20, 17 / Aqu 20, 01 02:39 UTC

I am a Chinese. Excuse me, is the need to write, or in ancient China?

Thank you for your efforts.

Jan 20, 17 / Aqu 20, 01 02:50 UTC

“So many deeds cry out to be done,and alwaysurgently;the world rolls on,time presses。Ten thousand years are toolong;seize the day,seize thehour!” (多少事,从来急;天地转,光阴迫。一万年太久,只争朝夕)

On February 21, 1972, U.S. President Richard Nixon's visit to China, Nixon had quoted chairman MAO zedong's poem after the toast.

Because of the translator, I can not express clearly, still hope forgive me.

Jan 20, 17 / Aqu 20, 01 02:56 UTC

Although we reside in far corners of the world, having a good friend is akin to having a good neighbor.

Many centuriesago,Wang Bo, a famous Chinese poet-philosopher,wrote,“Although wereside in far corners of the world, having a good friend is akin tohaving a good neighbor.”(海内存知己,天涯若比邻)

Wang Bo is a poet in the tang dynasty in China.

  Updated  on Jan 20, 17 / Aqu 20, 01 03:00 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times

Jan 20, 17 / Aqu 20, 01 03:02 UTC

There's a Chinese proverb thatsays:“One generation plants a tree;the next sits in itsshade”

Jan 20, 17 / Aqu 20, 01 04:33 UTC

I think it is a famous saying "reading thousands of books View city "is also very apt Asgardia should be what we see in space is not confined to the earth, but the whole world.(读万卷书 行万里路)

Jan 20, 17 / Aqu 20, 01 09:28 UTC

Thank you for all your responses. I don't know much about the Chinese language, but I thought a verse in Mandarin would be a good addition. Here is the music and the lyrics that I wrote in English (I am not a singer). I hope that posting this here is okay.



[My Asgardia English Lyrics]

Asgardia, Asgardia, Up in the sky we defend Earth, Asgardia, Asgardia, Together we unite as one.

Our home is important, We care for our children, The future is where we are heading. The planet must be saved, Our country is brave, You are important to me.

Asgardia, Asgardia, Up in the sky we defend Earth, Asgardia, Asgardia, Together we unite as one.

For all of the people, And life on our planet, we care about your existance. We have one objective, To defend our future, From anything you might not see.

Asgardia, Asgardia, Up in the sky we defend Earth, Asgardia, Asgardia, Together we unite as one.

  Last edited by:  Nicholas Wilkinson (Asgardian)  on Jan 20, 17 / Aqu 20, 01 10:09 UTC, Total number of edits: 8 times
Reason: strange html formatting

Jan 20, 17 / Aqu 20, 01 12:21 UTC

That's great!

Jan 20, 17 / Aqu 20, 01 22:24 UTC

Thanks anhun.

Feb 25, 18 / Ari 00, 02 16:03 UTC

非常好!very good!