Luca Coianiz

470 posts found

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Re: Voting Regulations
Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 21:33 UTC
Re: So long and thanks for all the fish
Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 18:43 UTC
Re: So long and thanks for all the fish
Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 17:45 UTC
Re: Voting Regulations
Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 14:33 UTC
Re: Voting Regulations
Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 14:31 UTC
Re: Voting Regulations
Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 13:15 UTC
Re: Voting Regulations
Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 13:00 UTC
Re: What games are you playing?
Jun 12, 17 / Can 23, 01 15:52 UTC
Re: Voting Regulations
Jun 12, 17 / Can 23, 01 14:39 UTC
Re: Asgardia Cannot be a Constitutional Monarchy
Jun 12, 17 / Can 23, 01 14:25 UTC
Re: Asgardia Cannot be a Constitutional Monarchy
Jun 12, 17 / Can 23, 01 02:33 UTC
Re: Securities of Tomorrow
Jun 12, 17 / Can 23, 01 02:27 UTC
Re: Asgardia Cannot be a Constitutional Monarchy
Jun 9, 17 / Can 20, 01 17:48 UTC