Luca Coianiz

470 posts found

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Recent posts
Re: Securities of Tomorrow
Jun 9, 17 / Can 20, 01 16:58 UTC
Re: Hello from me - my 2cents
Jun 9, 17 / Can 20, 01 15:44 UTC
Re: Asgardia Cannot be a Constitutional Monarchy
Jun 9, 17 / Can 20, 01 15:33 UTC
Re: Atheists in Asgardia
Jun 9, 17 / Can 20, 01 04:12 UTC
Re: For Muslims
Jun 8, 17 / Can 19, 01 19:32 UTC
Re: Hello from Italy
Jun 8, 17 / Can 19, 01 17:47 UTC
Re: Asgardia Cannot be a Constitutional Monarchy
Jun 8, 17 / Can 19, 01 17:44 UTC
Re: Voting Regulations
Jun 7, 17 / Can 18, 01 02:47 UTC
Re: Asgardia Cannot be a Constitutional Monarchy
Jun 6, 17 / Can 17, 01 23:20 UTC
Re: Atheists in Asgardia
Jun 6, 17 / Can 17, 01 22:33 UTC
Re: Voting Regulations
Jun 6, 17 / Can 17, 01 22:03 UTC
Re: Asgardia Cannot be a Constitutional Monarchy
Jun 5, 17 / Can 16, 01 15:36 UTC
Re: Atheists in Asgardia
Jun 5, 17 / Can 16, 01 01:02 UTC