Luca Coianiz

470 posts found

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Recent posts
Re: Atheists in Asgardia
Jun 4, 17 / Can 15, 01 05:04 UTC
Re: New Video Contest!
Jun 1, 17 / Can 12, 01 23:51 UTC
Re: Discussion of the draft Constitution
Jun 1, 17 / Can 12, 01 05:12 UTC
Re: Discussion of the draft Constitution
May 30, 17 / Can 10, 01 19:42 UTC
Re: Discussion of the draft Constitution
May 29, 17 / Can 09, 01 21:54 UTC
Re: Securities of Tomorrow
May 29, 17 / Can 09, 01 20:02 UTC
Re: Securities of Tomorrow
May 29, 17 / Can 09, 01 03:41 UTC