Apr 11, 19 / Tau 17, 03 19:04 UTC
Première rencontre entre Asgardiens à Tunis !!
Première rencontre non-officielle entre Asgardiens organisée à Tunis !! Au programme : – se rencontrer, discuter, échanger, faire du networking entre Asgardiens – faire découvrir la 1ère Nation de l'Espace à ses amis/famille – prendre des nouvelles des développements de la Nation ! First non official meeting between Asgardians organised ...
Apr 11, 19 / Tau 17, 03 20:49 UTC
Parfait ! Merci :-)
Apr 11, 19 / Tau 17, 03 20:44 UTC
Ok je vais l'envoyer en messagerie ;)
Apr 11, 19 / Tau 17, 03 19:50 UTC
Pourquoi pas ! ;-) Peux-tu m'envoyer le corps du texte traduit en arabe pour l'ajouter à l'événement ?
See all 4 comments
Apr 11, 19 / Tau 17, 03 18:48 UTC
Rencontre entre Asgardien-ne-s à Lyon
Première rencontre non-officielle entre Asgardiens organisée à Lyon !! Au programme : – se rencontrer, discuter, échanger, faire du networking entre Asgardiens – faire découvrir la 1ère Nation de l'Espace à ses amis/famille – prendre des nouvelles des développements de la Nation ! DATE OF THE EVENT: 11th May 2019 ...
May 11, 19 / Gem 19, 03 11:44 UTC
As there has been no interest shown by anyone to come and gather for this event, the event is therefore cancelled. Please reply below if you would be interested to be part of an upcoming event in Lyon so that we could coordinate at another agreed upon date to meet ...
Apr 11, 19 / Tau 17, 03 18:30 UTC
3rd Kuala Lumpur Meet-up
3rd Asgardian get together in Kuala Lumpur! Come and join whether you live in KL, around KL or even if you are just visiting! DATE OF THE EVENT: 27th April 2019 from 6 to 10pm; VENUE: FamilyMart Desa Setapak; LINK to the EVENT: https://asgardia.space/en/social/events/85858
Apr 29, 19 / Gem 07, 03 05:25 UTC
The REPORT on the event can be found here: asgardia.space/social/posts/85857 Enjoy and leave a comment! :-)
Apr 28, 19 / Gem 06, 03 17:50 UTC
I hope i have good English and have much money for flying to there
Apr 28, 19 / Gem 06, 03 00:40 UTC
Thank you for all of you who came! It was nice seeing you again and great to see new faces :-)
See all 11 comments
Apr 11, 19 / Tau 17, 03 18:13 UTC
Report: 3rd Kuala Lumpur MeetUp
It had been announced through the new "event" tab under "social" of the awesome new design of our website that there was to be a meetup for the Asgardians and other Earthlings to gather around the theme of the building of our Nation on Saturday 27 April 2019 at 6pm ...
Jun 25, 19 / Leo 08, 03 17:17 UTC
No worries, maybe you will be able to attend our next meet-up at the end of July?
Jun 25, 19 / Leo 08, 03 04:48 UTC
Excellent to see the growth! Sorry to have missed the 18th June event.
Jun 7, 19 / Can 18, 03 12:44 UTC
Anytime Khaiharlock! Feel welcome! Next event will be for the upcoming celebration of Unity Day around the 18th of June (1st day of the month of Asgard). Any chance you'll be around then? :-)
See all 4 comments
Apr 5, 19 / Tau 11, 03 05:23 UTC
What's up in Asgardia?!?

Have you been wondering what's happening in Asgardia and feeling it is difficult to find information about what is going on in our Nation?

To step up and take action and help all and everyone who's interested in keeping up, I've decided to create an independent and ...

Apr 11, 19 / Tau 17, 03 00:34 UTC
Gracias por tu confianza! Va a ser en ingles pero voy a poner cosas de tal manera que pueden ser traducidas...
Apr 10, 19 / Tau 16, 03 23:45 UTC
Me registre
Apr 7, 19 / Tau 13, 03 04:56 UTC
You are right: it is not an easy task to start a new website by myself. It takes time indeed... Thank you for your trust! Have you thought of becoming a Mayor, Vallian?
See all 9 comments
Mar 25, 19 / Tau 00, 03 20:29 UTC
Asgardia mentioned in the



Along with an interview of our Asgardian Member of Parliament Jonathan Tate , the Director of the Space Guard Centre in Wales, the article comes in the aftermath of NASA reporting last week that a "space rock, several metres in size, exploded about 16 miles ...

Mar 30, 19 / Tau 05, 03 05:30 UTC
Is a pleasure!!!
Mar 30, 19 / Tau 05, 03 05:30 UTC
You are absolutely right my friend!!!
Mar 29, 19 / Tau 04, 03 13:39 UTC
Indeed! I had a chance to talk with him a couple of times last year in Vienna, he is a joyous fellow! ;-)
See all 9 comments
Mar 5, 19 / Ari 08, 03 10:02 UTC
Mar 8, 19 / Ari 11, 03 07:04 UTC
Indeed! :-)
Mar 8, 19 / Ari 11, 03 07:03 UTC
Glad you liked it :-)
Mar 5, 19 / Ari 08, 03 19:37 UTC
Great Article
See all 4 comments
Jan 1, 19 / Aqu 01, 03 01:06 UTC
Happy Year Day from Kuala Lumpur!!

Decree 2 (click here) from March 6, 2017 gave birth to our Asgardian Calendar (click here) . It is a solar calendar, composed of 13 months of 28 days each which equals to 13x28= 364 leaving the last day ...

Jan 16, 19 / Aqu 16, 03 01:30 UTC
Same to you.,Thank you the year has started off very well.
Jan 4, 19 / Aqu 04, 03 14:19 UTC
Jan 3, 19 / Aqu 03, 03 19:38 UTC
Thanks fellow Asgardian from KL! We've missed you for this event! I hope we'll see you soon this Asgardian new year 0003!
See all 15 comments
Dec 19, 18 / Cap 17, 02 19:05 UTC
About the 100€ Resident fee

On December 17th, our acting Prime Minister, Mrs. Ana Mercedes Diaz, issued Directive No.1 , clarifying many aspects around the “Resident status” after the Citizenship Law that was first voted by Parliament ...

Jan 9, 19 / Aqu 09, 03 18:54 UTC
Sorry to hear that from the beginning you were here for something you didn't "take all too serious". Asgardia is actually serious about granting Residency then Citizenship to "real" people, not just to random Yoda54 profiles created in a second on their platform. To verify the identity in person of ...
Jan 9, 19 / Aqu 09, 03 16:00 UTC
I'm totally unwilling to pay anything. To me, Asgardia is an interesting initiative that I don't take all too serious (though I support the cause in principle). But paying for such an intangible thing that doesn't give me any expected return on investment seems like a big scam. I bet ...
Dec 29, 18 / Cap 27, 02 22:34 UTC
I joined both. So far its okay. lots of debate and I see you on there as well.
See all 29 comments
Oct 31, 18 / Oph 24, 02 23:06 UTC
Some history around the ISS photo of Kuala Lumpur

At an average cruise speed of 8 kilometres per second (28.800 kilometres per hour), one can imagine it is not always easy for the occupants of the International Space Station to identify the part of the world they are right above at a given time. After all, just as ...

Nov 22, 18 / Sag 18, 02 00:50 UTC
Thank you for your good words and encouragements, Ismail! Glad I will be working with you in your position of Asgardian Member of Parliament!
Nov 21, 18 / Sag 17, 02 09:55 UTC
Congratulations for being Mayor. Have a good work!
Nov 14, 18 / Sag 10, 02 12:51 UTC
Добрый день. приглашаю посетить мою тему паралельный мир в разделе Наука и техника . Оставьте свое сообщение . https://asgardia.космос / ru / форум / форум / наука и техника-176 На нем я рассматриваю возможности посетить Паралельные миры .Личные мои опыты и эксперименты по этому направлению.
See all 10 comments
Oct 29, 18 / Oph 22, 02 21:09 UTC
Running for Mayor

Dear Asgardian Followers from the great city of Kuala Lumpur, from the Wilayah Persekutuan and from the Klang Valley!

First as a tourist and for business, I have been coming and passing through Kuala Lumpur off and on for the last 20 years for ...

Dec 19, 18 / Cap 17, 02 21:41 UTC
Yes maybe. If I'm able to go I will be there. Also thinking about running for mayor in my area. But I can't find to change my city as my city is to small and not enough voters to become a mayor. So maybe if I'm able to become one, ...
Dec 19, 18 / Cap 17, 02 19:35 UTC
Hey William, I send you a private message!
Dec 19, 18 / Cap 17, 02 15:09 UTC
Hi, I am in KL,Malaysia too :)
See all 13 comments
Oct 17, 18 / Oph 10, 02 04:30 UTC
MAP of the 44 Elected Asgardian Mayors

Here is the link to the map of the Earthly Cities having an Asgardian "Mayor": https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=3214775

This map was made according to the list of Mayors attached to Decree 26 ( http://bit.ly/Decree26-list ).

Remember ...

Oct 17, 18 / Oph 10, 02 17:01 UTC
The "chairmen"? You mean "Mayors", right?
Oct 17, 18 / Oph 10, 02 08:57 UTC
Glad you like it :-)
Oct 17, 18 / Oph 10, 02 08:57 UTC
Thanks for your encouragements :-)
See all 5 comments
Oct 13, 18 / Oph 06, 02 01:32 UTC

October 12th came again in Kuala Lumpur! Last year four followers had managed to gather together to celebrate and this year, it suddenly was eight of us getting together to celebrate Asgardia’s second Birthday!! Yes, already two years!

It was in Paris that ...

Dec 18, 18 / Cap 16, 02 15:48 UTC
Glad to be part of it despite a clashing event on that day.
Oct 25, 18 / Oph 18, 02 13:08 UTC
Hi Ricky! Yes, trying my best as always! Thanks for your kind words! Hope things are OK for you in Ohio! Greetings from the other side of the lake in Ontario!
Oct 25, 18 / Oph 18, 02 03:10 UTC
Very cool Glad to see you still in the game
See all 10 comments
Sep 7, 18 / Lib 26, 02 11:39 UTC
D-3: Mayoral Statistics!

If the elections were ending now, how many potential Mayors would we have?

As we are approaching the final day of the First general Mayoral elections of Asgardia's History, here are some statistics, less than 62 hours before the voting ends.

Sep 8, 18 / Lib 27, 02 00:25 UTC
Lebanon beirut have 3 candidates and the voters are over 100 but i think the 3 candidates haven’t pay yet the fees. I think there must be a help from Asgardia parliaments to help the mayors who have chance to win and haven’t pay the fees yet but giving time ...
Sep 7, 18 / Lib 26, 02 22:38 UTC
Thanks, Lucas!
Sep 7, 18 / Lib 26, 02 22:38 UTC
Good luck to all candidates! Go Dubai, go! :-)
See all 9 comments
Sep 3, 18 / Lib 22, 02 10:49 UTC
Kuala Lumpur Statistics

Dear fellow Asgardian Followers residing in the City of Kuala Lumpur and around!

Ever wondered how many we are? What our demographics are?
Well, don't wonder any longer!
Here are a few statistics of the population of our area gathered from the

Sep 5, 18 / Lib 24, 02 10:10 UTC
Indeed! I replied to you there too! You can add me as a friend here if you wish to here, I'd be glad if you do! (I cannot send friendship requests anymore!)
Sep 5, 18 / Lib 24, 02 01:54 UTC
hi,barry here,you wrote to me in my FB Messenger
Sep 4, 18 / Lib 23, 02 03:37 UTC
As soon as I get to meet with them, I'll let you know, Ben!
See all 4 comments
Aug 18, 18 / Lib 06, 02 21:19 UTC
USEFUL TIP #1: How to retrieve the link to your own profile?

Sometimes, in order to join a public or private group related to Asgardia on social media sites, you may be asked to provide a link pointing to your asgardia.space profile to show you are really registered as a future Citizen of the Space Nation of Asgardia. In the ...

Sep 11, 18 / Sco 02, 02 08:47 UTC
Glad that it helps, Veii!
Sep 10, 18 / Sco 01, 02 09:23 UTC
What i do so far, is just copy my certificate number, and use any other random profile link. But a better method for copying that profile link , was appreciated - thank you :)
Aug 20, 18 / Lib 08, 02 01:04 UTC
I give you all the reason Iván and in that we must work in the future, greetings and congratulations for your candidacy for the mayor's office
See all 7 comments
Dear Asgardian Followers from the great city of Kuala Lumpur, from the Wilayah Persekutuan and from the Klang Valley! First as a tourist and for business, I have been coming and passing through Kuala Lumpur off and on for the last 20 years for well over 60 trips! So when ...
Running for Mayor
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