Jan 14, 17 / Aqu 14, 01 23:01 UTC

Subscriptions restarted by 0??  

Good evening, I need an information. I noticed that on the home page the number of asgardian members seem to be mutch lower than before who were just 500,600 or more and now instead they are just almost 153.300 and I would like to know what happened. Why the counter returned so low? Did it restarted from 0 and if yes why they did it?.

Thank you in advance for the reply.

Jan 14, 17 / Aqu 14, 01 23:19 UTC

Hi Draco,

Previously the counter represented the number of people who had applied to become Asgardians. The counter now reflects Certified Asgardians, This means (at the time of replying to this post) 152,272 people have completed the second stage of confirming their registrations and have been allocated a Asgardian ID number.

Anyone who has not confirmed this second stage still can and be allocated an Asgardian ID. This can be completed at: https://asgardia.space/en/user/profile/edit

I trust this answers your question.

  Last edited by:  Alan Player (Asgardian)  on Jan 14, 17 / Aqu 14, 01 23:20 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times
Reason: spelling correction

Jan 15, 17 / Aqu 15, 01 11:30 UTC

Dear Fatemeh and Achraf!

Yes, this motto is great in English. But we have to think about the translations and this motto sounds strange in the latin languages and Hungarian. About 30% of the asgardians or more speak these languages. You cannot say that these translations are not important.

My native language is Hungarian, the Hungarian translation is the following:

"Egy emberiség, egy egység."

Egy = One

Emberiség = Humanity

Egység (it made from the "one" word like the latin languages) = Unity / unit of stg / credit on your phone / battery level

In this sentence the "one" word is three times and it is very strange. Unfortunately it sounds stuttering. The latin languages and the german have the same problem with this motto:

Italian: Una umanità, una unità.

Spanish: Una humanidad, una unidad.

French: Une humanité, une unité.

German: Eine Menschheit, eine Einheit.

I don't say that this motto is bad, but we need a little modification.

Jan 15, 17 / Aqu 15, 01 16:47 UTC

Thank you Alan Player for your answer. But now, this number who Certified their identity in anticipation of the virtual document will be added to the previous applied or . . .
The fact is that I care to know if this counting will be added to the previous to reach the prefixed million or not. How will it work now? What will happend?

  Last edited by:  Alessandro Raisi (Asgardian)  on Jan 15, 17 / Aqu 15, 01 16:48 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jan 16, 17 / Aqu 16, 01 21:24 UTC

Actually in Italian it sounds "un'umanità, un'unità", The apostrophe makes a big difference in how it sounds, and makes the pronounciation much easier. I like how it sounds in all the mentioned languages.

Perhaps "one humanity and one unity" sounds smoother, moreover I'd rather see the "and" than the comma.

  Last edited by:  Laura Marsano (Asgardian)  on Jan 16, 17 / Aqu 16, 01 22:21 UTC, Total number of edits: 5 times

Jan 17, 17 / Aqu 17, 01 14:29 UTC

You say, in italian it is ok but in Hungarian not. If i make a mirror translation that is:

"Egy emberiség, egy egység"

In this structure the "egyég" word means "Unit of stg" because we never use the "One" and the "unity" words together. If we use the "unity" word with a number, that means "unit of stg". So in Hungarian it sounds "One Humanity, One unit of stg (for example poison)"

If you replace the comma with the "and" word after that the sentence will be totally meaningless in Hungarian.

And what I said in Hungarian this motto sounds stuttering.

I think the best solution if we use this:

The Humanity in Unity.

I know just about 1% of the Asgardians speak Hungarian, but the Hungarian is not the only language which has problem with this motto. Other Latin languages has, the German has and maybe the Turkish also has because that language use a very similar grammar to the Hungarian.

Jan 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 08:25 UTC

Am glade that everything is in the right place for now and i hope it remain so. We are ready to build Asgardia and the calendar is the greatest idea.

Jan 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 08:26 UTC

Am glade that everything is in the right place for now and i hope it remain so. We are ready to build Asgardia and the calendar is the greatest idea.

Jan 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 15:14 UTC

Still cautions about whether this can be done. International laws prohibit space nations.

Jan 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 09:10 UTC

I knew that the new counting at the home page is about the people who certified there identity but I still don't have info about what will happend on this counting . . . Will it be added to the previous registrations or it will remain separated? Please, I need to know this. Thank you for the reply.

  Last edited by:  Alessandro Raisi (Asgardian)  on Jan 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 09:13 UTC, Total number of edits: 4 times

Jan 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 12:42 UTC

The Hungarian translation is here:


Jan 29, 17 / Pis 01, 01 17:39 UTC

Дорогие Асгардианцы, всем - привет! 12 октября 2016 года пусть станет первым днём Нового календаря Нового Государства Вселенной, и ведется отсчёт как 13-ти лунный календарь- What is the 13 Moon Calendar.What is the 13 Moon Calendar? В качестве идеальной меры космического времени этот календарь на самом деле является синхронометр , прибор для измерения синхронности ежедневно, что дает нам новый взгляд на жизнь , в котором воспринимаются события. В Новом времени синхронность является нормой. http://www.lawoftime.org/thirteenmoon/freecal.html

Dear Asgardiantsy, all - hello! October 12, 2016 will be the first to let a new calendar day of the new state of the universe, and being a count of 13 lunar kalendar- What is the 13 Moon Calendar.What is the 13 Moon Calendar? As a perfect measure of cosmic time, this calendar is actually synchronometer to measure synchrony device every day, which gives us a new outlook on life, in which events are perceived. In the New Time synchronization is the norm. http://www.lawoftime.org/thirteenmoon/freecal.html

This post has been translated using Google Translate (https://translate.google.com/). Please keep this in mind that this forum uses English as a base language at this moment, however you are able to use your native language in the Regional (https://asgardia.space/en/forum/forum/regions-36/) forum that applies to you.
- Jason Rainbow 05 February 2017 @ 04:56 pm

  Last edited by:  Jason Rainbow (Global Mod, Asgardian, Global Admin)  on Feb 5, 17 / Pis 08, 01 16:56 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Feb 3, 17 / Pis 06, 01 12:14 UTC

i thoroughly enjoyed watching that video, look forward to seeing more