Mar 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 11:48 UTC
Decree N2 by The Asgardia Head of Nation - Asgardian Calendar! ¶
Hello Asgardians!
There is a new Head of Nation Decree up on the webpage!
This one outlines a proposed calendar for Asgardia using a 13 month format of 28 day long months and it starting on January 1 2017 and going to December 31, 2017 or "Year Day".
It also outlines some already established Asgardia holidays as well!
EDIT: For those asking, this concept is quite an old one, the most known version of this calendar proposed by Moses Cotsworth in 1902 as the International Fixed Calendar. It wasn't adopted by any countries however the CEO of the Kodak Company adopted it for their use from 1928 - 1989. It was reviewed by Dr. Ashurbeyli and adapted for Asgardian use as a Space Nation would not be ruled by seasons, rather only days.
You can find more information about the International Fixed Calendar here and get a fuller idea of how it will work.
What do you think of the proposed calendar? Let's hear your voices Asgardians!
Kind regards, Rebekah Berg, Lead Community Administrator, Asgardia