Jul 26, 17 / Vir 11, 01 13:48 UTC

Asgardia Publication House  

Hi Fellow Asgardian

My Proposal Is That We Can Start A Publication House Under Asgardia Name

In Which We Can Write Novels , Comic Etc...

Currently I Was Thinking To Write A Romantic Novel For That I Need Some 

Assistance & Apart From This I Have Few More Story's To Write.......

This Is My Proposal To Generate Revenue For Asgardia


kashif shaikh

Community Manager of India for India

Sep 5, 17 / Lib 24, 01 13:45 UTC

Good idea , ATSN  need  more  skill and creative people like  you

  Last edited by:  Prajogi Iskandar (Asgardian)  on Sep 5, 17 / Lib 24, 01 13:46 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Sep 5, 17 / Lib 24, 01 13:48 UTC

Good idea , ATSN  need  more  skill and creative people like you Kashif

Sep 6, 17 / Lib 25, 01 21:01 UTC


Sep 28, 17 / Sco 19, 01 00:48 UTC

I think there is a bit of logistics that go into it, but I'd be interested if we wanted to gather and do this.  I'm a self-published author of paranormal fiction, i've also dabbled in article writing as well.  I've also experience working with publishers and developers like Pelgrane Press and Wizards of the Coast (volunteer event positions).