Hi guys, I have a post in the Economics forum which i think you'd like, i have copied and pasted it here, would like your thoughts please, looking for a team to build a proposal.
"Hi Guys,
This is my idea for the Economy, now I'm not an economist so please feel free to help pick holes/develop the idea.
The reason why most typical Economies wont work for Asgardia is because Asgardia is not a typical country. It's citizens are spread across the planet, we have no tangible assets (except us), no natural resources, no companies paying tax, it is people from all over the planet coming together to try and achieve the same goals.
An efficient and effective Economy for Asgardia's unique situation, would be a service based Economy
We have thousands of eager people offering to help who have a wide range of skills: Programmers, Writers, Artists, Teachers, Musicians etc. the list goes on. Done correctly a service based Economy will help Asgardia grow whilst also allowing its citizens to make money for themselves.
We could achieve this by having a website where people can go to and view what services Asgardians have to offer, pieces of art they have created, etc then any sales that have been made would be subject to a commission charge (for example 15%). Both nation and citizen can benefit from this arrangement and no one is obliged to do anything or commit to anything they do not want to.
*We should have our own web browser like Google,Bing, etc. We could build a web browser and have an app feature like Google, we could have the main websites AIRC, ROOM, main Asgardia site, Forums, our VR library, Services page then any other projects associated with Asgardia VOA etc. The more users we have the more valuable the ad space becomes even if everyone uses as-blockers, the more projects associated with Asgardia and have their logo on the app section, the more users to the more sites, which means more funds.
As some people will be more desirable then others, its likely that some people may struggle as well as some people benefiting. We could have an agreement with each citizen where by they agree to a maximum wealth limit i.e everyone by law can only have up to 100 million Asgardian credits at any one time in their bank account (no idea currency plans). Anything they earn over has to be spent back in the economy.
Although some people might not have the desired skills needed in a professional manner even the smallest help can make big differences to someones life. This is purely an idea and would like peoples feed back.
What if we recorded everything people did to help others? Could be anything from getting shopping, crossing a road, donating money (although the value donated has no nominal value to the points) etc. All these deeds would acquire points and when you get to a certain number of points you would hit a level and receive a "good guy" status (or something better named!). This status would need to be maintained as i suggest that it resets annually.... You would receive a small Dividend for reaching this status as well as having your deeds stored on your profile/record for people to see. If you check out this Amazon Advert: LINK
Job automation is coming and there will be a lot of people out of work with not much else to do, perhaps a small incentive even just recognition is a direction worth thinking about as a way to deal with the inevitable. People often moan about basic income and that people will be paid to do nothing and in turn be lazy, why not pay people to be kind? Again just an idea I have had for quite a while.
Anything that is earned over ** goes to the "Asgardian charity pot". The pot is a website/(ministry department?) where people send in their charity projects, start ups/ education projects/ those struggling etc. but also includes ministerial projects like infrastructure, Research and Development, Education and Health etc etc. Then once a month, Asgardia charity pot send out a vote to all Asgardians asking them where they would like their allocation of funds spent {total pot size/nb of citizens). Then the funds get allocated according to each citizens vote.
**Earned over in millions
Limit = 100, Earned = 150, Kept = 100, Donated = 50 **
If you forget to vote the funds stay where they are and you have to use them next month.
Greed is what destroys nations, and greed can be fueled by personal drive/ambition, drive and ambition are good things and shouldn't be discouraged. In effect this is a super rich tax, not many Asgardians will achieve an earning to reach that limit, but those who do have a real opportunity to make a real difference to those who haven't, whilst still having all the luxuries of their hard labor.
This method also gives control and transparency to the nations citizens, it gives the ambitious a reason to keep progressing forward, and it removes (to an extent) greed from levels in which people can influence a nation.
This is simply an idea I had for Asgardia and is in no way the direction where Asgardia is planning on heading, it is just my opinion that this is the direction Asgardia should be heading :).
Would love to hear some thoughts, and ideally would love to see if people think this could be made in to a viable option.
Have a good day everyone."
Best wishes,