Aug 29, 18 / Lib 17, 02 03:36 UTC
The reason why bitcoin will never *stay* below 5000$ again. PROVE ME WRONG ¶
Current Market cap is 120b $ (actually real market cap much lower than that due to lost btc and so on); that could be 1000 people with 120m$ hidden. Anyone who has approximately that amount of btc would be very able to buy the market would it temporarily drop significantly below 5000$ per btc, due to the very limited (and shrinking) actual supply of bitcoin and availability in the exchanges.
I think what we witnessed in last december will happen again and at a greater extent. Don't ask me when, but that's a given.
Bitcoin has been chosen.
Why? Possibly positioning.
Price won't give a fuck on whether it can be used everyday to buy stuff. Its purpose it for wealthy billionaires to keep part of their wealth inaccessible through offline wallets.
Whether tx take 1 hours to go and cost 10 bucks each.
Whether the nodes get a little bit more or a little bit less centralized.
All that matters is the one reason I stated above.
Everything else is just smoke for sardines.