Apr 6, 17 / Tau 12, 01 14:00 UTC

Re: Discussion for the Constitution Table of Contents  

@KillaKat (Asgardian) on 31 March 2017, 4:46 p.m.

"I'm planning to start Asgardian based businesses and would like to know what to expect in terms of taxes and laws regarding holding companies and trust funds."

Just curious. What type of businesses are you planning?

Apr 6, 17 / Tau 12, 01 14:03 UTC


"Article 23 might very well be only about scientists studying asteroid orbit charts."

Somehow, I doubt it... Besides, we already have Scientist doing this already based on Earth. Many of them from the USA.

  Last edited by:  Richie Bartlett (Asgardian)  on Apr 7, 17 / Tau 13, 01 01:16 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times

Apr 6, 17 / Tau 12, 01 14:03 UTC

"Just curious. What type of businesses are you planning?"

I hope it's not tribbles. 

  Last edited by:  John Skieswanne (Asgardian)  on Apr 6, 17 / Tau 12, 01 14:04 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Apr 6, 17 / Tau 12, 01 14:05 UTC

"I hope it's not tribbles. "

LOL. Cute, little furry bastards, eh?

Wonder if they would make a good source of protein?

Apr 6, 17 / Tau 12, 01 14:10 UTC

Lol :P

Apr 6, 17 / Tau 12, 01 14:20 UTC

@guzlomi(Asgardian) on 1 April 2017, 1:37 p.m.

Article 32. i) Parliament shall consist of all registered Asgardian citizens with at least 18 years old and not deprived by Courts of their voting rights. They will be called Members of the Parliament.
 I love this. I love the fact that a young person <Well, is the main majority of age around the World>can get engaged early on. However, we must define the term for which a parliament member can serve. <Forever. The Parliament is integrated by all the +18 years-old people permanently assembled to discuss and vote about anything…No terms. Until death.>

I must disagree here. It's too idealistic to believe a person will forever keep the common man's interest at heart. It's too easy for a career politician to see the world completely alien to the common man. Thereby making their priorities for laws to pass or rescind considerably different from what the society on the whole needs. Two phrases quickly come to mind: 1) "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." Give someone a lifetime appointment, and watch them become a god... 2) "Politicians are like diapers... They should be changed frequently... and, for the same reasons."

All positions should have well defined terms and term limits. No one should be able to serve more than 10 Earth Years through consecutive terms in office. And, certainly not more than 15 Earth Years accumulative via nonconsective terms...  We should strongly encourage the participation of our Citizens in the democratic process not only through votes, but through a steady stream of openings for Citizens to refresh.

  Last edited by:  Richie Bartlett (Asgardian)  on Apr 7, 17 / Tau 13, 01 01:17 UTC, Total number of edits: 3 times
Reason: Additional Info

Apr 6, 17 / Tau 12, 01 14:27 UTC

 By: guzlomi(Asgardian) on 1 April 2017, 1:37 p.m.

The Ministers must be citizens of Asgardia and eligible for election according to law. Aren't ministers appointed? <yes, needs rewording: “elegible for election” was to meant “appointed by the Head of State”>

Unless we are a meritocracy or a Technocracy, why are the ministers to be appointed by the HoS? Shouldn't they achieve office through popular vote?

Apr 6, 17 / Tau 12, 01 14:30 UTC

 By: guzlomi(Asgardian) on 1 April 2017, 1:37 p.m.

"Who wants an Asgardian Wikileaks?"

I just might run that operation... ;)

Apr 6, 17 / Tau 12, 01 14:45 UTC

By: Boonejohn97(Asgardian) on 2 April 2017, 5:17 a.m.

When citizen security is up discuss what citizens may have and carry.

You will be in space... For what purpose would you truly need a gun? If you must physically settle a conflict, why not use your fists?!

Apr 6, 17 / Tau 12, 01 14:53 UTC

Hi Everyone,

One point I wish to stress loudly: The Constitution should be focused on the limits of Government as opposed to the rights of citizens! The constitution need not define every detail nor every grievance of its citizenry. We can leave those concepts to a "Bill of Rights" or other civil documents. We need to remain focused on the core of our future government!

  Last edited by:  Richie Bartlett (Asgardian)  on Apr 7, 17 / Tau 13, 01 01:17 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times
Reason: Added clarification.

Apr 6, 17 / Tau 12, 01 15:22 UTC


I think a fair solution would be by number of citizens one representative should have. But then how to you dive up those citizens fairly? Maybe its just a draft thing where you are assigned with a group of people like in the military. Please do not mistake this statement for a proposal to become a military.  Just a method to which we group people to be represented.

Maybe by geographical regions of the world?  Since countries closer together have the tendency to share cultural and historical links (not that this should matter).


Apr 6, 17 / Tau 12, 01 15:22 UTC

Okay so my initial post was in response to the Constitution table of contents. In Reading deeper I find that there seems to be an actual Constitution floating around here somewhere in Google Docs or something?

  • Adam Spears
  • Citizen
  • Asgardia

Apr 6, 17 / Tau 12, 01 15:38 UTC

I think a fair solution would be by number of citizens one representative should have. But then how to you dive up those citizens fairly? Maybe its just a draft thing where you are assigned with a group of people like in the military. Please do not mistake this statement for a proposal to become a military.  Just a method to which we group people to be represented.

Maybe by geographical regions of the world?  Since countries closer together have the tendency to share cultural and historical links (not that this should matter).

 I'm not that sure this will be fair or even viable method: in my humble opinion, the most the people is sharing are needs. Parties are based on the answers politicians (claim) to solve people's groups needs. And there should be the overall freedom to adhere to whichever party one thinks will better answer to his/her needs, which will better speak in his/her name.

Apr 6, 17 / Tau 12, 01 15:41 UTC

^OK, so you are suggesting that people form organic groups naturally, rather than actually assigning them? I think I agree very much with this idea.  Give the people self-determination.

Apr 6, 17 / Tau 12, 01 15:54 UTC

That's exactly what I meant: why anyone, apart me, should be free to "assign me" to some group or party? This is specifically against my freedom of thought and of actions, if we're not having an overall need or emergency.
Any government, nor Constitution, should be left free to "make (artifical) walls", assigning people to places, works or duties without a specific (and termporary) need or under emergency (e.g. defense needs, ecological needs, and so on).