@guzlomi(Asgardian) on 1 April 2017, 1:37 p.m.
Article 32. i) Parliament shall consist of all registered Asgardian citizens with at least 18 years old and not deprived by Courts of their voting rights. They will be called Members of the Parliament.
I love this. I love the fact that a young person <Well, is the main majority of age around the World>can get engaged early on. However, we must define the term for which a parliament member can serve. <Forever. The Parliament is integrated by all the +18 years-old people permanently assembled to discuss and vote about anything…No terms. Until death.>
I must disagree here. It's too idealistic to believe a person will forever keep the common man's interest at heart. It's too easy for a career politician to see the world completely alien to the common man. Thereby making their priorities for laws to pass or rescind considerably different from what the society on the whole needs. Two phrases quickly come to mind: 1) "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." Give someone a lifetime appointment, and watch them become a god... 2) "Politicians are like diapers... They should be changed frequently... and, for the same reasons."
All positions should have well defined terms and term limits. No one should be able to serve more than 10 Earth Years through consecutive terms in office. And, certainly not more than 15 Earth Years accumulative via nonconsective terms... We should strongly encourage the participation of our Citizens in the democratic process not only through votes, but through a steady stream of openings for Citizens to refresh.