Feb 21, 17 / Pis 24, 01 02:13 UTC
Re: Punish Corruption with Death, By Law!! ¶
Hello Eyer, Actually, if Asgardia starts out as an island nation I would not have to consult any other nation regarding my idea. Also I have as I have already stated looked into buying an island. This was long before I had even heard of the Asgardia project and I came across a suitably sized Island for four and a half million dollars. Which is far less than the cost of having to buy the construction materials to build a facility to house a mining drone, launch said materials into space, construct said facility, automate it, and develop any needed technologies for said drone to actually be able to do the job is was meant to! Oh, and, let's not forget the costs of having to be able to ensure the livelihood of said facility! Or do you actually believe that the facility will e immune to impact events from things such as space rocks? Actually, it would make far more sense to build such a facility on a planetary body rather than out in space for the very reasons I mentioned.
As I have explained to you before, unless you can obtain said resources you do not have a near infinite supply of anything! As long as those resources are unobtainable their existing is irrelevant and they can not be depended upon for anything. Your entire suggestion is based upon an ability that we humans do not yet possess and would first need to develop before implementation of it can begin. Which adds decades onto the process of Asgardia even being recognized as a nation to begin with. After all, anything launched into space by the yet unrecognized nation of Asgardia will cease to be the property of Asgardia and that will start an infinite loop of Asgardia having to rebuild said facility over and over again. Before your suggestion can be implemented until Asgardia is officially recognized as a nation. Actually, any facility that costs more revenue to construct and maintain as a prison in space would than it generates is doomed to failure. So, yes any prison located in space would have to be run as a business meant to generate funds and I mean two maybe even three times as much probably more than any located on Earth. As terrestrial prisons do not have all the expenses a non terrestrial one would. Of course maintenance would be a thing. Over time everything breaks down and needs repairing if not out right replacement. Automating a facility would not change that fact!
The problem is the threats from the environment of space are vast and many could simply just appear without prior warning or they travel far too fast to allow us any decent preparation time to defend against. While you simply can not defend against others like blackholes for example. Even for the ones you could defend against like asteroids we currently need ten years minimal to detect and prepare a defense against those. Worrying about the things that could possibly cause you harm is not irrational not doing so is. You are far more likely to prepare for the threats you worry about than the ones you do not. Also, worrying about possible threats even if the initial defense proves to be adequate causes the advent of backup systems just in case the initial defense proves to be lacking
The idea that you can plan for every eventuallity is complete crap, as is that good design can account for every possible situation. Sure, you can try but you just can not plan for them all and still complete the project you are working on. The most likely threats will be planned for and the less likely ones forgotten and those weaknesses will be targeted at least by folks intent on causing harm that is. Those forgotten weaknesses is what my way of thought focuses on because I am realistic enough to know that others will be aware of them and may possibly try to exploit them. I do not expect for everyone to defecate rainbows and be totally devoid of the ability or desire to create chaos like you seem to. Human beings are irrational and human beings with agendas are more so.
I would have thought that the fact that business worldwide and I am referring to legit businesses pay their employees was proof enough. To prove to you the folly of having an unpaid workforce. After all, what motivation does an unpaid employee have to even show up to work and deal with the stress of said work? How are unpaid employees even supposed to obtain the things they need to survive? We are not part of a society where the necessities of life are freely provided for us. Which we would need to be in order for your idea to work, we Asgardians can not even decide if our budding nation can do without a monetary system! Common sense dictates that you do what you need to in order to survive and if that means selling out then you do it and since Asgardia for the beginning of it's life as a nation. Would not have the capability of freely providing it's citizens with everything they need to survive. The workforces of Asgardia will have a need to obtain money. Assuming Asgardia did exist and did not have a monetary system in place. I as a citizen have needs that if not met could mean the end of my life! Needs meaning medical as I have been diagnosed with a mental disorder that makes it dangerous for me because it hits with no prior warning and causes the loss of control of my limbs and the loss of consciousness. Unless I have daily medication for said affliction. Now, Asgardia will likely not have a pharmaceutical industry to speak of. Meaning I would have to turn to that of the Earth's and that would require money. But because Asgardia does not have any I would have a need to get it elsewhere. Which means, if some group whether nice or not so nice offered me a chance to obtain the money I would need. I would take it even if it meant harming others sadly. Because I have a responsibility to myself before anyone else and that is to survive. All humans have that responsibility and would do what they needed to in order to survive including you and if that meant selling out you would do it in a heartbeat as would anyone else not ready to die!
There is not any assurance that they may not still screw up or sell out if they are being paid. However, them selling out is less likely than if they were not paid at all!