Guns should be on the station for absolute emergencies only. In these kind of emergencies I list mainly possible invasion and/or rampage in Asgardia initiated by an Asgardian or outsider. However, I strengthen my point saying it again, for absolute emergencies only. Other than that, Asgardian peacekeepers, as I like to call them, should only be carrying stunning or concussive weaponry. Pepper spray and its variants are a possibility.
We are building a peaceful haven for science and knowledge though. And as it might sound utopistic, in that kind of state lethal weaponry should not be used, but it would be straight up stupidity to not have any for absolute emergencies. We are still from the generation which knows about firearms and their absolute stopping power quite well, so if we were facing such threat described above, it would be quite possible our opposition would be carrying such weaponry, and we should be responding to that kind of an attack with our own to minimize the losses. After the conflict it should be publicly addressed we never intended to use this kind of weaponry, but we really did not have a choice. Or if we do at that time, that wipes my point straight clean, and we live in a different world.
EyeR did have an fascinating point in the following quote in the comments above: "The solution isn't to attempt to remove or prohibit weaponry - instead to provide an environment wherein their use doesn't make sense and would therefore remain unconsidered." This should be our goal, but I still am saying firearms should be safekept in a stash for the need arises.
This philosophy would of course need extreme education and clarification for the peacekeepers about deciding which kind of force to use, but it is possible to achieve.