Dec 29, 16 / Cap 28, 00 23:53 UTC
¿What to Work in Asgardia ? ¶
To talk about economy before we must be realistic and see the resources we have at our disposal. Opportunities to generate money:
- mining, (openering minerals of the moon)
- artificial satellite, taking advantage of that we will be On planet earth, it is not too much to create some satellite and sell the signal to the countries of the earth.
- Call center, for large multinationals, work for them, as in banking services that offer credit cards etc.
4. turism. Who would not like to pay to visit Asgardia? It would be a very lucrative option
5. would seem somewhat improbable, but I have a way to win the lottery with total security and even this would help us. This technique is legally and completely safe, it would only reveal it to the high officials of Asgardia.
6. Have a large soil on the ground to make some crops until we have perfected the crop in our asgardia.
7. Asgardian online teachers. We are going to have internet, and we can offer millions of students on earth to help you in your school or university tasks and once you explain that you contribute monthly with x amount of money, there are many millions of students who would be willing to pay for this purpose .
8. through a satellite, to sell encrypted communications for military use to developing countries. Our mind is infinite and from where apparently there is nothing we will do something because we are Asgardian ...
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