I totally disagree with any kind of education that include gender ideology in any way. Sexual education is the right and private field of the parents. No state should implement sexual education that can go against parents.
By the way, gender ideology is a worldwide movement who try to make us believe, beside all biological evidences, that what they call "GENDER" is the "sex socially constructed". It means, if we follow this dangerous ideology, that they will try to teach our children that being male or female is not a biological thing, that your children may choose if they want to be male or female...
Please awake! Don't let a fashion movement dictate things that are completely anti-scientific. Being male or female is something written in our DNA. There is no "gay Gene" or something like this. It's a myth. If someone try to proof the contrary I challenge him/her to give any scientific evidence of this.
Ask an archeologist who find a very old skeleton: When you take and analyze a DNA sample, it shows if you're male or female (except in the less than one for a million case of the hermaphrodite genetic disease). There is no other "gender", Human beings have 2 biological sexes: male and female. From the conception, the fetus is male or female, and produce a fetal hormone that influence the development process of the brain, whatever he is male or female. So yes, we're different and complementary at BIOLOGICAL LEVEL.
Don't try to sell something else to children please... All the existent sexual options in return are product of psycho-cultural factors during the child education. Don't try to make us believe, or worst teach children, the contrary...
It's not moral or religion, it's SCIENCE