Dec 23, 16 / Cap 22, 00 02:37 UTC

Ambassadors must'nt be national in the country in which they're in fonction  

It´s a base of diplomatic rights (correct me if I'm wrong please). No ambassador may be citizen in the country in which he's ambassador.

A national club is a nice idea, but can´t stand as an embassy in the long term. why? Because ambassadors must be named not by elections inside a club, where their will be rivalries, political tendencies,...

Ambassadors MUST be neutrals, and by so named by the central government. The local club may work as future supports for ambassadors, but I would advocate that an AMBASSADOR MUST NOT BE A NATIONAL OF THE COUNTRY IN WHICH HE IS AMBASSADOR.

Doing the contrary will act against us for international recognition, in the future giving us diplomatic rights, etc...


  Updated  on Dec 23, 16 / Cap 22, 00 16:41 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times

Dec 23, 16 / Cap 22, 00 02:44 UTC

Comment deleted

  Updated  on Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 16:58 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: "This user no longer wishes to be associated with a tin pot banana republic"

Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 00:31 UTC

I agree.

Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 21:32 UTC

I agree

Jan 2, 17 / Aqu 02, 01 02:45 UTC

sure, I agree.


Jan 8, 17 / Aqu 08, 01 10:56 UTC

I Agree with the intention of keeping asgardian foregin policy free of conflict of interest. I have to argue sending nationals of the same country on foreign mission also has its unique advantages specially at an early stages of our state formation. Sowing the seeds of trust and cultivating the results during the UN assembley vote should be a priority. Asgardia is not only the first nation to be based in space but also it will hold a record of being the first nation were all its citizens are holders of dual or more citizenship of other nations of our planet. Its diversity will be unparalleled to any nation seen before, there fore mechanisms of protecting our foregin intterests from conflicts of interests will be put in place such as such as limiting the power of ambassadors and forming different mission desks on regional levels to over see activities in individual countries could be an option. Ruling out ambasadorial apointements of people with citizenship background of the same nation only handicaps our abilities to get through with our message and intentions to every nation on earth. People who understand their regional dynamics always bring an edge to our foregin policys and also create a better environment vis a vis relations between us and the region they belong on any part of the world. So at the end i must say its very much restrictive to say or put forward a law ruling out the appointement of ambassadors to their country of origin. Instead we should be flexible about it and review everything case by case on individual level with the over sight of a comitte or desk on higher level of policy making in the ministry of foregin Affairs of Asgardia.

Jan 10, 17 / Aqu 10, 01 11:28 UTC

Completely agree.

While I am here I officially nominate myself as Ambassador to the great principality of Sealand.

Jan 31, 17 / Pis 03, 01 19:19 UTC

It is sure. In addition, forums should be arranged for the Asgardians from various countries of origins to meet each other and to make friendships. A real Asgardian society has to be formed so that candidates to be ambassadors should be chosen based on the principle of equal opportunities.

However, no cretertia will be required for any asgardian to attend these forums and events.

  Last edited by:  Salam Zakout (Asgardian)  on Jan 31, 17 / Pis 03, 01 19:23 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jun 19, 17 / Leo 02, 01 13:40 UTC

I have to agree with Simon that at this point having nationals as ambassadors has (at least in the starting fase) a great benefit, of course this can be offset by having a staff of nationals supporting a foreign ambassador. A point to take into account as well would be finances though and in this fase having an ambassador that already resides in the capital of a country greatly reduces the cost and opens the possibility of getting more widespread representation fast.

Jun 21, 17 / Leo 04, 01 11:54 UTC

compañeros de Hola, RESPECTO al tema al principio ESTABA en Desacuerdo contigo, ¿Por Que No Se Puede Ser embajador en El País Que residen? Seria Lo Más lógico pense, por COMODIDAD, Cercanía y Conocimiento del País Donde Nació Uno Cada. Pero Despues de analizar v mejor Tu opinion veo Que tienes razon, el tema principal ES La Lucha de: intereses y creo Que es Lo Más Importante. Un embajador Dębe Ser neutral, Es Así Como Funciona Y Como Es más transparente. 

Claro que también se podrian una organizadora clubes de Ciudadanos de Asgardia En Cada País párrafo Infinidad de cometidos. 

Me postulo Como Miembro Diplomatico párrafo Embajadas dw Asgardia en CUALQUIER PAIS DEL Planeta Tierra

Por Último from Uruguay mis saludos y respeto a todos y Todas. 

Hello fellow, on the issue at first I disagree with you, why you can not be an ambassador in the country who reside? Pense would be more logical for convenience, Closeness and knowledge of the country where he was born One Each. But after analyzing v Tu opinion better see you're right, the main theme is the struggle of: interest and I think that is most important. An ambassador should be neutral, this is how it works and how is more transparent. 

Of course an organizing clubs citizens in each country Asgardia paragraph Countless could also be committed. 

I am running as a diplomat Member dw Asgardia paragraph Embassies in any country of Planet Earth

Lastly Uruguay from my greetings and respect to all. 

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  Last edited by:  Jason Rainbow (Global Mod, Asgardian, Global Admin)  on Jun 21, 17 / Leo 04, 01 18:12 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Providing English Translation