Mar 30, 17 / Tau 05, 01 04:45 UTC

Feature request  

Dear mods,

I know this was discussed before because I remember reading it -- I just can't remember where. But I know that blogs for Asgardians were proposed on this site.

I also remember some people objecting to the blog feature because they thought there were more important things to be fixed before adding more features (like a search bar). And that might be true.

We are a pretty diverse group of people, and I'm sure we probably do interesting things with our time, or maybe, we would like to write about certain topics in a format that is not necessarily appropriate for a post (longer format style writing).

Having a place where you can write about projects you are working on, comment on space news (or any other news), or simply chronicle your opinions and observations would allow us to access what others write and give others access to what we write (like a thought diary of sorts).

I would very much like to keep an Asgardian blog. Thank you.

~Yovy ~~One humanity. One unity.

  Last edited by:  Yoevelyn Rodriguez (Asgardian, Comm Assistant)  on Mar 30, 17 / Tau 05, 01 04:47 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Fixing my ADHD spelling issues

Mar 30, 17 / Tau 05, 01 07:49 UTC

Hi Yovy, I just wanted to let you know I received your request for information about the blogs. I am currently waiting to get an update on that and will send you the results as soon as I get it. If you have any other questions just let us know.

Mar 30, 17 / Tau 05, 01 16:05 UTC

Thank you very much, Mod Zahira.

Apr 2, 17 / Tau 08, 01 14:05 UTC

Hi Yvoy, Thank you so much for your patience. I finally have an answer for you. The suggestions that were collected previously for recommendations on the options for Asgardia Blogs are currently being worked on. We are expecting this to be available soon, but at this time we do not yet have a specific date. Please stay tuned to the News and Announcements for further updates on this feature. Let us know if you have any other questions or need assistance with anything.

Apr 3, 17 / Tau 09, 01 02:48 UTC

Thank you so much for the update.  I'll stay tuned.