Jan 23, 18 / Aqu 23, 02 04:29 UTC
Just putting it out there isn't 'one humanity one unity' the same as saying 'humanity united'. ¶
Im not really sure why the 'one' is emphasised there.
Jan 23, 18 / Aqu 23, 02 04:29 UTC
Im not really sure why the 'one' is emphasised there.
Jan 23, 18 / Aqu 23, 02 04:35 UTC
Unity can be temporary smaller than the humanity, but with the goal to expand.
May 28, 18 / Can 08, 02 10:22 UTC
It is done, but to me 'One Unity' sounds like crappy English. Either written by a non English speaker, or by somebody who has seen to many business slogans.
One Humanity sounds fine, but nobody ever says two unities ;)