Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 08:45 UTC

Re: We nation must serious control new apply people. Can”t accpter criminal and morale bad peoples.  

Personally I dont think it should matter what crimes someone has committed on earth, eventually when people actually can live up in the station(s) everyone should have an equal opportunity to be a part of what Asgardia represents. Obviously if someone commits a crime whilst an active resident of Asgardia then they should be dealt with appropriately, but until we can define what laws we wish to live by then we should keep an open mind about future applicants :)

Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 16:40 UTC

Freedom of speech Freedom of religion Freedom in general

We shouldn't deny people everyone should get a chance and everyone deserves a second one. What someone did 10 years should not define his further life. People can change !

Everyone should get a chance to prove themselves without prejudices.

  Last edited by:  Quinten Desmyter (Candidate, Asgardian)  on Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 16:41 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 16:49 UTC

People are capable of learning and changing.

To judge them on what the court in their country decided will be extremly stupid.

Instead of denying people we should work to include everyone. This is actually something I am working on ideas for. How to make it easy for people to adapt to their new life in Asgardia, including learning to live by Asgardian law. Treatments for those who need it. Acceptence of each other is key in the accepting society we are working on.

Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 20:34 UTC

Subject Line: "Can”t accpter criminal and morale bad peoples."

By: jacuqes ou(Asgardian) on 22 December 2016, 9:12 a.m.
"Can”t accept more chinese. India. Pakstan. these nation is fall behind country."

Jacuqes ou, You understand that you are the literal version of what you are trying to keep out of Asgardia? Should the administration remove you for morally illicit behavior? Everyone deserves a chance to be apart of something transcendent, something bigger than themselves, bigger than the country from which they originate, or their ethnic background. Criminals have shown themselves to be un-trustworthy. I agree that they should not be admitted on that premise; However, they should be given the opportunity to prove that they have changed, can obey the rules and law, that they can contribute to a new society. What you have yet to grasp Jacuqes ou, and I sincerely hope that the language barrier is not too much, because I want this entire community to come together and understand this: There are no longer any inferior nations or people. We are in the age of knowledge and understanding. Know, that I am Asgardian. You are Asgardian Jacuqes ou. It doesn't matter that I came from the US or that you are from the EU.

Dec 23, 16 / Cap 22, 00 03:54 UTC

+1 Levi

Asgardia isn't a place for prejudices. Each individual should be weighed on their own merit.

I can understand your concerns, and care should be taken. Even so, each individual should be afforded the oppertunity to prove themselves. Is that not what you would want, if you was them?

Options like isolation or exile should be left for the more extreme cases - and even then it's likely that sufficient education would provide the required perspective shift to adjust behaviours into more "acceptable" realms.

Dec 23, 16 / Cap 22, 00 13:00 UTC

Can”t accpter criminal and morale bad peoples.

So. Who gets to decide that moral rules we use to decide this? What do you consider "moral" badness?

Can”t accept more chinese. India. Pakstan. these nation is fall behind country.

OK. Reading between the lines it looks like your trying to ban people from Asgardia who aren't Caucasian. You didn't mention Africa, but I bet it's on your list. So, tell us. What countries and peoples are on your "OK to be here" list?

Dec 23, 16 / Cap 22, 00 14:12 UTC

The fact Asgardia is a Space Nation is one factor that drew me to it, but what really sold me on the idea was the language in the philosophy section on the concept page. Were Asgardia promising me a front row seat to Mars tomorrow but stood for hate, tyranny, fear, or inequality, I would have rejected that seat. "Asgardia is also unique from a philosophical aspect – to serve entire humanity and each and everyone, regardless of his or her personal welfare and the prosperity of the country where they happened to be born." These are words out of the Founding Father's own mouth. EVERYONE has an equal chance to join Asgardia. I do not care about someone's place of birth, the color of their skin, the language they speak, their religious beliefs, their sexual preference, their educational background, their criminal background, their age, there current citizen status in another nation, there financial status, or any other quality in regards to eligibility to join this nation. The only label I choose to see is "Asgardian." The diversity we gain from allowing literally anyone in is a resource beyond description. I hail from a nation of enornous diversity, the US, where members of every group you can think of resides. I see the advantages this holds. When I hear talk of no bad people, no gay/lesbian/bisexual people, no this or that people, I shake my head in disappointment. To everyone whom thinks this way, I strongly urge you to go back to the Asgardia concept page and reread what Asgardia is about and ask yourself if this is really the movement for you. Thoughts like these go against the entire philosophy and purpose of Asgardia.

Dec 23, 16 / Cap 22, 00 16:37 UTC

I can't agree with Blsstidham more. I can't choose my birth, but I can choose who I want to be.

Dec 24, 16 / Cap 23, 00 17:29 UTC

I think this post should remain as an example that this kind of ideology will not stand... A lot of people replied; their reviews show beyond a doubt the stance Asgardians, the vast majority of us, will take on this. I really do no think the original poster meant true ill will, though who can say but he or she. This topic in one variation or another has come up in the Facebook groups. I looked into every post I could find on the subject in all groups. The conclusion I came to is that the bulk of the Asgardian populous disfavors this line of thinking. I wanted to know, to see if this was really going in a direction I could continue to stand for. I was happy and proud to see that these thoughts were again and again rejected. Anyone thinking to join Asgardia with thoughts such as these will find they are in a very small minority.

-Brandon Stidham

Dec 24, 16 / Cap 23, 00 17:29 UTC

I think this post should remain as an example that this kind of ideology will not stand... A lot of people replied; their reviews show beyond a doubt the stance Asgardians, the vast majority of us, will take on this. I really do no think the original poster meant true ill will, though who can say but he or she. This topic in one variation or another has come up in the Facebook groups. I looked into every post I could find on the subject in all groups. The conclusion I came to is that the bulk of the Asgardian populous disfavors this line of thinking. I wanted to know, to see if this was really going in a direction I could continue to stand for. I was happy and proud to see that these thoughts were again and again rejected. Anyone thinking to join Asgardia with thoughts such as these will find they are in a very small minority.

-Brandon Stidham

Dec 26, 16 / Cap 25, 00 02:39 UTC

As I read and read, I can only see more racist and discrimination. I do agree a substantial background check is require when people apply if we need to progress to a brighter future. BUT I think everyone should have a chance to be an asgardian WHICH RACE SHOULD NOT BE A CONSIDERATION. Also for people who have crimial record we should set up a system that allows them to work it off, give them a second chance to prove themselve to be an asgardian. After they did, their past should no longer matter

Dec 26, 16 / Cap 25, 00 06:02 UTC

fear sth? fear 2 lose sth, lose control, be marginalized, overpopulation and malignant competition... fearsome enough on earth ^^ but thought asgardia is made of most fearless ppl who chose to taking part in this experiment of colonizing in space, like lab mouse(maybe not, but in some aspect), whoever realize the danger, uncertainty, still r brave enough to apply should be applauded for their courage and self-sacrifice, like NASA astronauts, real heroes who pave way to future. maybe some r just opportunist ^^ ? (joking, hoho) there'r chances ppl learn to know more, realize that we r all parts of one entity arranged in delicate relations and connections. there's kinda misunderstand of sharing, it's not one-way giving away, ppl feedback more, information make knowledge and technology develop, like the machine learning, more example data more accurate prediction module, thus better chance to success, brave is not taking life, money or everything light, not be panic by uncertainty. as can't getting along with "bad" ppl, let time, knowledge, co-op heal the fear and anger on both side...

Dec 27, 16 / Cap 26, 00 21:38 UTC

Checking criminal records is a must, there should be 0 tolerance to repeated infractions since Asgardia would be built up by a community, and any action against such would befall the relations between people and create divisiveness.

You can be tolerant, but there's a fine line between tolerance and submission.

Jan 3, 17 / Aqu 03, 01 05:23 UTC

I would like to greet your family, thank you

  Last edited by:  chitong Gao (Asgardian)  on Jan 3, 17 / Aqu 03, 01 05:43 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jan 12, 17 / Aqu 12, 01 17:51 UTC

Until the first round of our laws are drawn up it is unwise to preempt what they should or should not be. While I agree with many of the things posted by my fellow Asgardian's in this forum, other things I could not and will not support.

I thank Blsstidham for his thoroughness of researching through other people's posts on Facebook and this Forum. I agree a majority of posts from people will not support discrimination, fear-mongering or any other unsocial behaviour. It is just not the ideals that have attracted us to Asgardia.

Kennetchau brought up an interesting point about crimes being worked off... While this is an interesting point. It is my understanding that just because a person with dual citizenship in one country is found guilty of a criminal offense it doesn't automatically make them a criminal in both countries where their citizenship is held.

Yes, while criminals and people with bad morals' are undesirable in any society, It is still up to the consensus of that society to determine where the line is drawn - if a line is drawn at all.

Citizen background checks are useful for all types of reasons and for societies functions. These background checks do nothing but inform decision makers.

Protection of fellow citizens both those we have Citizenship with and those around us must be of the utmost importance but so is freedom of speech, expression, creativity and innovation, these too must be protected. While I do not agree with comments about people must be able to speak English nor we should not include Chinese, Indian's or Pakistan nor those with a criminal records and bad moral people; I do support that someone has brought that to the table as a consideration and to put it out there. Now it is up to the rest of us to judge each consideration by its merits (for and against) and not from the ideologies of our culture/up bringing. I would expect this would then be considered and voted upon before enacted upon by Asgardia.