Until the first round of our laws are drawn up it is unwise to preempt what they should or should not be.
While I agree with many of the things posted by my fellow Asgardian's in this forum, other things I could not and will not support.
I thank Blsstidham for his thoroughness of researching through other people's posts on Facebook and this Forum. I agree a majority of posts from people will not support discrimination, fear-mongering or any other unsocial behaviour. It is just not the ideals that have attracted us to Asgardia.
Kennetchau brought up an interesting point about crimes being worked off... While this is an interesting point. It is my understanding that just because a person with dual citizenship in one country is found guilty of a criminal offense it doesn't automatically make them a criminal in both countries where their citizenship is held.
Yes, while criminals and people with bad morals' are undesirable in any society, It is still up to the consensus of that society to determine where the line is drawn - if a line is drawn at all.
Citizen background checks are useful for all types of reasons and for societies functions. These background checks do nothing but inform decision makers.
Protection of fellow citizens both those we have Citizenship with and those around us must be of the utmost importance but so is freedom of speech, expression, creativity and innovation, these too must be protected.
While I do not agree with comments about people must be able to speak English nor we should not include Chinese, Indian's or Pakistan nor those with a criminal records and bad moral people; I do support that someone has brought that to the table as a consideration and to put it out there. Now it is up to the rest of us to judge each consideration by its merits (for and against) and not from the ideologies of our culture/up bringing. I would expect this would then be considered and voted upon before enacted upon by Asgardia.