Jan 9, 17 / Aqu 09, 01 21:06 UTC
Non-aggression commitment with nations of Earth ¶
I'm a graduate of an MSc in Conflict Prevention and Sustainable Peace and have spent time in a small number of countries affected by violent conflict. In my opinion, a big cause of war is the willingness to engage in it. I propose that Asgardia commit to non-aggression with the nations of Earth. Any weaponry or defence systems we have, I believe should be directed to exclusively off-world threats; asteroids etc. I do not believe deterrents work in the way they are intended to. Asgardia's power should be diplomatic and soft, good and positive relationships with other nations can create the identity of a country other countries can trust globally. We can be arbiters of peace among the nations of humanity and in order to do that, I believe we as a nation need to commit to non-aggression with all other nations. I make this case not only in principle, but so that we avoid putting our own citizens in harms way. We can set an example and set a standard, it could be a critical opportunity to change the human narrative. Whereas for centuries, we have been telling stories of the utility of warfare, I believe as a nation of the future, we begin a discourse on the utility of peace. Very happy to hear your thoughts.