Jan 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 23:10 UTC

Outfitting of Military, Law Enforcement, Security, and Emergency Service Personnel.  

Hello, I am Samantha. Looking into the future of my new nation, I know that we will have a need for a variety of service people who will fall into any of the categories in the title and more. I currently outfit special forces and law enforcement around the world, and would like to extend my bid to Asgardia. Although I can only hope and dream of a nation where we do not have to worry about violence and war, we still need people to protect us from the outside. Whoever would be responsible for such decisions is free to contact me.

S. Adair Canadian-Asgaurdian Tactical Clothing and Equiptment, and Licensed Arms Dealer SEALS Action Gear www.sealsactiongear.com

Jan 20, 17 / Aqu 20, 01 11:59 UTC

At the moment we are open to discuss new fresh ideas and welcome any input you may like to share with us. Could you share an overview or summary of your idea so that we may discuss it. Also, if it is possible to formalize a proposal, you can submit the plan and outlined proposal to citizens@asgardia.space for consideration. Let us know if you have any questions.

Jan 21, 17 / Aqu 21, 01 10:40 UTC

This is fantastic. I thank you a lot for your effort Samantha. I assume you are dealing with the details privately now, I just want to state that the outfit is the most important part about any service member. Besides of it's functionality it also has to look decent, in order to get the psychological effect. A lot of nations seem to ignore that, so I just wanted to state it here.

Thanks a lot, both of you. If there is a way to get involved, just shoot me a message.