Jul 16, 17 / Vir 01, 01 16:05 UTC
Re: Volunteers for an Asgardian Security Force? ¶
We need shirts
Jul 17, 17 / Vir 02, 01 05:02 UTC
Defense ,Energy and Prosperity . I'm campaigning for Security and Defense Strategist. Granted some may not agree but it is some thing that is needed so I am asking for your vote .Its not about power but about protection of our people and Nation .I know that many of us will not be here to see the settlement of our first Platform . but now is the time to start planning for the future of how We as a People will survive .When you have to content with the jealousy of other Earthly nations, hazards from Space itself Here is my link https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fasgardia.space%2Fen%2Fblog%2Fcandidate%2F677583-5607-ambassador-nbspdebutant-and-strategist%2F&h=ATPOWZd88E9v2w9TJAchsqpIQ5PpYszQW1R6N1dztB3D5O0cp0amg1s-MZ7Dc7biBDis3YEP3dxqmI7Btp_cpsunM1VDiSS28T_HmvMOTdQpFnBlmG3gbOpnMSwnkeFBeiufynlBm0WomfyL6LFGRihnIrG_KQ
Jul 18, 17 / Vir 03, 01 05:14 UTC
Quiero unirme a las fuerzas de seguridad de ASGARDIA
Jul 18, 17 / Vir 03, 01 07:49 UTC
My father was a soldier and i grew up fighting for worthless things and if i am goign to live better life and build better future we can together i would love to share my experience about army and protect the country of ours because it is worth it
Sep 10, 17 / Sco 01, 01 21:35 UTC
I've served 3 years in the us army I'm willing to protect asgardia whole heartedly I'd volunteer in a heart beat
Sep 12, 17 / Sco 03, 01 05:50 UTC
I volunteer to serve the citizens of Asgardia to the best of my ability.
Our forces should emphasis de-escalation tactics in my opinion, have some non-lethal options, and use lethal force only as a last option.
Nov 17, 17 / Sag 13, 01 07:33 UTC
Ciao a tutti
Mi piacerebbe partecipare al volontariato per le forze di sicurezza di Asgardia e proteggere il mio paese.
sono onorato di far parte di questa nazione.
I migliori saluti ...
Nov 18, 17 / Sag 14, 01 02:11 UTC
I volunteer. Quals are small arms used on hunting EMT-Michigan usa expiared. FF 1& FF2 Michigan USA
Nov 18, 17 / Sag 14, 01 02:12 UTC
I volunteer. Quals are small arms used on hunting EMT-Michigan usa expiared. FF 1& FF3 Michigan usq
Nov 18, 17 / Sag 14, 01 23:28 UTC
I would be more than happy to put my name forward for a security job (Asgardia space police. :p) i have several years experience as military
Nov 19, 17 / Sag 15, 01 14:56 UTC
I am a 13 Year Old Boy. I am a National Level Shooter. I would like to volunteer.