The VILLAGE is where Asgardians live in their homeland. Most Asgardians are being distracted with the idea of a space-nation when they should be also concerned about social justice in their country. Yes, Asgardia could be the opportunity of establishing a real e pluribus unum of the world, but in order to do so, all Asgardians must commit themselves with ideals and principles of non-violence, non-aggression, non-intervention in the internal affairs of other sovereign states, non-xenophobic of other groups, non-racist, non-attitude of superior or national exceptionalism. True asgardians shall be willing to challenge the laws that contribute to the misery of mankind around the world, even to land in jail for maintaining the principles of justice.
I understand that some Asgardians may feel somewhat confused about my project, recently modified by deleting the words “Elio” in its title. I apologize for the confusion. It now reads “The Village Forum.” Now, allow me to further clarify its meaning. “Village” is not an infrastructure of Asgardia in outer space, or a geographical location on Earth. “Village” is the community of Asgardians living in their own private place. Some may live in urban or rural areas, in mansions or caves, etc. “The Village” is not defined by physical objects, or by the physical proximity of Asgardians. The community of Asgardians, “The Village” therefore, refers to their bond with Asgardia, from any place they are in North America.