Feb 25, 17 / Ari 00, 01 00:28 UTC
Logbook ¶
I would like to say what I have on my heart. I always believed in the existence of other races outside our planet. I'm not crazy, there's evidence.And considering my age, maybe I will not have the opportunity to meet them physically, but surely on the other side of the veil. Asgardia was for me until now a hope to go into space, orbiting our planet aboard an immense mother ship sheltering all nations. I saw myself as a person going aboard a shuttle of this immense mother ship, working for security in the vicinity of our solar system, watching over the welfare of Agardia and our planet. I'm 42 this year and I probably will not see the project as I see it in my future. I count on you the younger ones and those to come to complete this project. Save our planet and our solar system. And know that we are not alone in the universe, there is evidence.I love you, be strong. Namasté
Mod Edit moved from General Discussion to Off Topic. Zahira, 25-02-2017, 9:49am.