@nihylum de
That's exactly why I didn't suggest to create a new language by our own but to use a third party, yet created, one (like Esperanto, but it's not the only one).
I did a (very) little study about english language in the past and, just to say, it's based on 650-700.000 terms, while italian is based on 2.500.000 terms, to say you're right about the
Another thing is which impacts languages do have. The efficiency and complexity of a language define also the way we think. If a language isn't totally based on relativization, your thoughts wouldn't be too. If a language isn't rooted to a limited set of expressions, you wouldn't able to express yourself more detailed, so misunderstandings wouldn't even possible.
(my little study was a comparation about english and italian only: I didn't took in count other ones, like german etc.)
But is it enough to say "we should adopt italian as, having way more terms than english, is much more flexible and can far better express our feelings"? I think not, as I don't wish to find myself advantaged, in speaking, over other asgardians. It wouldn't be fair in any way at all.
But, at the same time, I even don't like to find myself disadvantaged too (I had to argue, in the past, some times and for some hours with a native english speaking one... and it totally destroyed me, to be honest, so I bet you can see that I know what I say ;-)).
Usually, speaking with a stranger into Europe (austrian, german, dutch), I felt myself confortable, as both us was using english and, as it wasn't our motherlanguage (so we can call it "third party language") we took great care into understanding each other. That is not true when I speak with english motherlanguage ones, as they only feel confortable and usually don't care I'm not (take in count, please, I'm a programmer also and I use only english in my programs, related comments, and documentation).
That even not taking in count the ones which, like french people, have something (historically) against english.
I bet we should really to start thinking we are asgardians, not english, or americans, or french, or italians, and choose our official language accordingly.